
Why does the government deny global warming?

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Why does the government deny global warming?




  1. Since when does the government deny global warming?! Congress recently voted and the president signed "The Renewable Fuels, Consumer Protection, and Energy Efficiency Act of 2007". A bill specifically designed to raise taxes and limit freedoms in order to save the world from the possibility that global warming does exist.  Is that what you call denial?

  2. The government knows global warming is real, and they know it's all our fault, and they know it's our fault because of our increased carbon dioxide emissions that are produced by the burning of that horrible three-letter word, OIL.

    Why is the government denying it? Because OIL is big money, and people - everyone involved with oil companies and most politicians - want to make lots of money. Their mindset is basically this - "I know we're trashing the Earth to h**l, and that our children and grandchildren will all suffer for it, but hey, I don't give a sh**. I want money."

    Money does terrible things to people. In the case of global warming, money is causing the ultimate sin - ignoring the fact that we're destroying Earth, God's gift to us, and all the animals in it, so they can invest in oil.

  3. It doesn't but it does dislike the idea of destroying the US economy to fight it while others get a free pass.  The Bush administration formed the Southeast Asia Consortium years ago to fight it and, unlike the faulty Kyoto treaty, more then half the world's polluters are involved in this pragmatic attempt to fight global warming.  What is often debated (as it is in the world of science) is how much influence man has on it and whether or not it can be fought by human efforts.

  4. Because their highest members of administration in the executive branch (the branch  denying it) all worked for oil companies shortly before taking office.  Now they apparently think their law school degrees enable them know climate science better than the national academy of SCIENCE of their own nation.

  5. Because there are studies that suggest that there is global warming and there are studies that suggest there isn't global warming.


    The National Center for Policy Analysis

    Global Warming Primer

    U.S. Senate Report: Over 400 Prominent Scientists Disputed Man-Made Global Warming Claims in 2007

    Senate Report Debunks "Consensus"

    "A liberal media outlet has acknowledged that global warming may have "taken a breather."

    National Public Radio reports instead of warming up over the past four or five years, oceans have actually been cooling slightly. According to NPR, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory has been studying the ocean with a fleet of robotic instruments that can dive 3,000 feet down and measure ocean temperature. Since the "Argo" system was fully deployed in 2003, it has recorded no warming of the global oceans, but rather "slight cooling."

    Marc Morano with the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee says the cooling trend runs contrary to the claims of people promoting manmade global warming fears. But NPR -- which he describes as "an entrenched, liberal, mainstream institution" -- would rather question NASA's data, showing no ocean warming, instead of questioning the models that are predicting catastrophic sea level rise due to supposed global warming, he notes."

    The Sky Is Not Falling

    Holly Fretwell, an economist by training, has done her best to bring some needed critical thinking to the global-warming debate by writing “The Sky’s Not  Falling! -- Why It’s OK to Chill About Global Warming.” Aimed at 8- to 12-year-olds and their parents, it is a good, reasoned, 115-page antidote to the Chicken Little hysteria and propaganda found in the mainstream media and in places like Laurie David’s kids book “The Down-to-Earth Guide to Global Warming.” Fretwell is a research fellow who focuses on natural-resource issues and public-lands management at the free-market Property and Environment Research Center (PERC) in Bozeman, Mont.

    The obsession that liberals have with global warming has gotten so out of hand that they sound like a bunch of mental patients in an asylum.

    Consider for a moment what a clever strategy this is: it’s too cold outside, must be global warming. Too hot? Global warming. Hurricanes? Tornadoes? Floods? Global warming all.

  7. The government doesn't deny it, in fact I'm sure they'll use to extort money out of us in one way or another. It's a scam.

  8. because there is no way for the government to fix the problem the only way they can fix the problem and at a fast rate is to stop the running of all things that produces methan gas.

  9. If they deny it then why would they bother spending billions of dollars on ways to mitigate the effects, such as the US Dept of Energy H2 Fuel & CO2 Sequestration Projects?

    They don't deny it, they just don't want to stop burning oil, yet; at least until they have developed a new fuel source to replace it.

  10. Because it's complete c**p.

  11. Because he knows it is not true.

  12. It does, could you site at least one example?

  13. Because people SHOULD deny what is a complete and utter falsehood, instigated and spread by that lying liberal lunatic, Al Gore.

    And because accepting such nonsense would be a dangerous distraction that would pose a threat to our national security by removing our focus on threats that are REAL.

    Here we are freezing our butts off past the first day of spring, and where is Gore - hiding like a ground hog until close to a mild summer warming, so that he can say he told us so?

    People who believe in global warming are misguided, brainwashed and deceived. They're very gullible to sociopaths like Gore.

  14. Has Congress voted on the existence of Global Warming and voted no?  I think there will be government officials that deny it, and officials who acknowledge it, therefore you can't say the government denies global warming.

  15. because the studies used to show global warming are all unproven science.

    you have to remember, the GREENS are like a religion....just like religions dont want you to fornicate, the Greens dont want you to use more raw materials than what THEY think is a fair share.

    Just like religions point to the ills of fornicating, the Greens point to the ills of consuberism.

    i for one dont believe in global warming, nor an over-crowded earth, or that water is going to run out.....thats all b.s. and its designed to control you into doing what they want you to do...just like religions.

  16. Global warming is hard to prove.  Especially to people who are not well educated in the sciences involved in determining whether the Earth is in fact warming.

    It's a difficult thing to measure.  But if you consider our output of greenhouse gasses and compare the atmosphere to that of similar planets (say Venus), you begin to see how important it is that we take every precaution to keep global warming from occuring, even if it has not already begun.

  17. Global Warming has been established science for more than 100 years.  Government has done it's usual sluggish job of addressing the problem since WWII.  (On the whole the States have been more effective where the Fed did not overrule them).  In 2000 Bush suspended enforcement of the Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act.  Pollution in all forms skyrocketed, including the pollutants responsible for global warming.

    Simultaneously he began legal attacks on planned parenthood and s*x education in the schools on the same grounds as AGW ("those things are just unproven", you see).

    He pushed both funding initiatives and legal challenges to teaching the theories of the formation of the earth and the universe as described by astronomy, physics, and geology as "just theories", no more likely than the earth being created in 7 days and the universe being 4000 years old.

    He declared that biology, genetics and DNA science were about humans being descended from monkeys "as Darwin said"  (he didn't), and that the scientific ideas were unproven theories so the Biblical story of the origin of life deserved equal time (and funding).

    He blocked most of the promising lines of research on stem cells, declaring them to be about human cloning, and that banning them was necessary to prevent indescriminate cloning by the impure.  Of course most stem cell research has nothing to do with cloning, and you don't need stem cells to clone anyway.

    He declared that "the jury is still out on global warming", as if that was how things are decided in science, and assembled a loosely organized mob of extremists to make his case for him.  He changed his mind last year, so his army now has no General.  Watching them try to talk science is like watching a troop of Cro-Magnons try to play pin the tail on the donkey (never having actually seen a tail or a donkey).

    Does he believe any of this nonsense?  Of course not.  By trying to discredit the dangers of Global Warming, minimize alternative fuels, mass transit and so forth, he keeps the country tied to obsolete fossil fuel technology, with 75% of the fuel coming from the middle east, and American dollars flowing like a river to those who practice terrorism against Israel and the West.  You bet the price is rising, but you haven't seen anything yet!

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