
Why does the government hide thing from us?

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some country this is id rather know the truth




  1. 'cause there are a LOT of guns in this country.

  2. I don't think the American people can handle the truth.  Sometimes the government misleads to do what they think is best.  If people knew the truth they maybe they would panic.  Think about the terror meter we had for a while, that was a way to keep people on the know but still not as much as the people in power.

  3. Because if you KNOW that means that the world knows.

    I can't vouch for every issue, but military secrecy is a must.

    If a country knows your capabilities then they can prepare counter measures against you.  and that means you have to create a way around those counter measures.

    Every military secret that is leaked weakens the ability of the military and endangers lives unnecessarily.

  4. Its kind of hard for them to keep power if we know how they s***w us, know what I mean...

  5. It is all about power and greed when it comes to our government. Government, the military, and corporate America all hold hands in order to rake the American people over the coals. Another "Empire" on the road to self destruction.

  6. If the government told us everything, how do they keep our enemies from learning the same stuff?

  7. They want the POWER and control over us! UFOs -  the government is in full control and UFOs do not exist! Bull c**p! That is just one example!

  8. follow your bliss and leave them the h**l alone, they have better things to do.

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