
Why does the government not stop gangs?

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Why does the goverment still allow gangs even though they know that there are murders and stuff going on inside of gangs? Can't they stop the whole gang thing by making harsher punishemnt?




  1. the ultra liberal senate and house are the ones that have to enact laws that punish offenders. the voters are to blame both state and federal. most of the gangs are illegals of oriental and hispanic and black origin.

  2. A pesky little thing called the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  You have to actually catch someone in a crime and prove it in court.  Simply 'knowing' someone dresses like and hangs out with types who are like other types that have been known to commit crimes isn't enough.  Many placesd are implementing anti-gang task forces, but you still can't opress people's civil liberties without due process.

  3. Well, they have made harsher punishments in my area. But when one goes to jail there are 5 more waiting to take his spot. IE: His younger brother, the young kids from that neighborhood that see the so called cool life they live on the outside

  4. Corruption. Only Apartheid South Africa could do it.

  5. it is all up to the local government.  It is allowed for a very good reason you will never be privileged to know.

  6. Barack Obama voted NO against legislation that would allow the state of Illinios to use the death penalty against gang members.

    what a guy!

  7. i think major gangs do not set out to be a Gang. we are naturally drawn into groups and at some point with the right circumstances it crosses the line. always has always will exist in any democratic society. as the steam rises from the kettle so does the growing pains of a our advanced society.


    there is a balancing act with the amount of police personnel that would be needed to combat heavy areas and whether or not we are willing to pay for it, in more ways then money.

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