
Why does the government try to make money off of everything?

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  1. That's what leaches do. They suck the blood life out of you. The government does not suck blood but they take the money off of us. The government's motto is: you work and earn your money, then we make money.

  2. Certain element within the government made alot more money than this from 9/11. The government makes money off of everything because we are dumb, and go oh, ok.

  3. because they are all greedy

  4. Where do you think the money comes from? For everything from our military to our energy to new technology, they need a way to PAY for it. It's not free, and since the government is the "top dog," no ones pay them. Thus, they need to tax as much as possible in order to support the thousands of government programs available to all walks of life. However, they also need to try to pay off our trillion-dollar debt, while at the same time try to keep taxes low for America's citizens. Talk about a balancing act. =)

  5. Believe it or not but our country is in mountains of debt.

  6. its a basic tenant of nature.  everything tries to gain as much control and power as possible.

  7. Because they can.  Money is no longer linked to any standard, gold or otherwise.  They, being business/government can legally and without prejudice bleed the people dry.

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