
Why does the human race?

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consider it self to be intelligent??......they congregate in their millions in concrete cities..where they need to be supplied with all their needs....they cover the land that grows their food with more concrete so they can drive vehicles that ruin the air they breathe..they kill all the wild creatures around them..mostly for fun..they poison the oceans and fill them with waste..and they kill each other over beliefs in a supreme being...far from being intelligent would seem to be one of if not the least intelligent creature on the planet




  1. ahhhhh yes....i agree....just recently, i found an organization in my area that takes out concrete and asphalt for free...all volunteer work...they find sites where there is a decent amount of concrete being underutilized for what it is and ask the owners if they can take it out free of charge and rejuvinate the soil and plant flora that is meant for this part of the country....there are plenty of people willing for you to do this for them....i hope to join them soon, cause i have kids and need a legal anti-civilization activity to vent my the way....the organization is called depave...i am sure they started with grant money to get the equiptment and the laborers are all volunteer.....maybe you could start one in your area....every bit of concrete removed is a major benefit to all



    i, personally, would like to see ...................................... are you with the CIA?

  2. if you will remember, it is written in the bible that God gave us the authority to rule over his creations. maybe, that will be one of the views why we consider ourselves to be intelligent. the bad thing is that others use their  intelligence in a different way. others use it to ruin nature while others use it to save nature. it is only a wrong choice of things to do that is why it seems humans are becoming dumb.

    let us not care anymore whoever is intelligent or not, let us just care of saving the environment.

    let us give the next generation a livable world, save the environment! ! ! ! !

  3. Ace i have made the same point myself many times;...;...;...


  4. There are probably 1:1,000,000 hairless apes that are truly intelligent. They do not subscribe to memes, they think for themselves and approach life with a positive purpose. The rest attempt to appear intelligent and "worldly" by passing uninformed, egocentric judgement on the ideas of others more intelligent than themselves.

    Once you create a God in your own image everyone wants to play God. Even though they don't even understand that God is a concept, not a character in a book.

    War is just an abattoir where the cows are expected to bury each other.

    There is an old saying I think goes something like: "Lie to me, if you tell me the truth I will hate you for it."

    Study Epistemology while you are visiting this planet.

  5. Women scream in child birth because of the size of the baby's head.  Babies are helpless the first year so their brains can grow.

    Humans live about twice as long as they should, based on metabolic rate (total heart beats in a lifetime).   Humans are the only life on earth that has lived in outer space.

    Except for the size of our brains, we are otherwise not very competitive in the animal world.

    So humans do as well as they do because of intelligence and their brains, even if you don't consider what folks do with that intelligence to be especially noble or important.

  6. By watching "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" you know that the dolphins are the most intelligent race... j/k.  Well, the human race believes they are the most intelligent, and why wouldn't they?  No other "race" or species will tell they they are not.  I truly believe that humans are like viruses... "consume" all resources and move on to consume even more resources...  We will probably kill ourselves here or earth, or travel to another planet to breed and consume and kill ourselves there...

  7. Why do people like you not understand our obvious superiority in almost every aspect of... well.... everything.

    We have language and writing

    We manipulate the things around us according to our needs

    We can make fire and heat on spot

    We are the only species which can live anywhere they want and on every continent.

    We are the first to become settled and farm the land as well form large socially stable communities.

    And we are the first to allow such stupidity in an intelligent society as you are my example.

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