
Why does the illuminati reptillians rule the world?

by Guest32567  |  earlier

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  1. And I interrupted my viewing of the Startrek Enterprise Marathon on the Science Fiction Channel to look at such drivel!  Of course, I've personally known a few cold-blooded snakes in the grass in my time, but I wouldn't dignify them with the title of "world rulers".

    If the Illuminati Reptiles do rule the world, aren't they making an awful mess of it?   I expect my conspirators to be more organized!

  2. I think that you need to slow down and take a deep breath! Reptillians indeed! hisssssssssss

  3. I thought that white mice ran the world

  4. Didn't David Erk say the queen was a lizard?

  5. They're Pinky and The Brain

    Yes, Pinky and The Brain

    One is a genius

    The other's insane.

    They're laboratory mice

    Their genes have been spliced

    They're dinky

    They're Pinky and The Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain

    Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain


    Before each night is done

    Their plan will be unfurled

    By the dawning of the sun

    They'll take over the world.

    They're Pinky and The Brain

    Yes, Pinky and The Brain

    Their twilight campaign

    Is easy to explain.

    To prove their mousey worth

    They'll overthrow the Earth

    They're dinky

    They're Pinky and The Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain

    Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain


  6. As you may or may not know we are being ruled by scaly reptilian humanoids. They are the leaders you see on tv. Alot of them belong in the US government, the UK government, the UN, etc they are basically reptilian posing as humans. Reptilians have the special ability to shape shift and some have been reported in the underground tunnels of LA. This is a good site to check out for more info and and These are respected people and they should be taken seriously.

  7. They only rule an alternate fantasy world. David Icke has no grip on reality.

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