
Why does the increase in CO2 follow the increase in temperature when looking at the history of the two graphs?

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Doesn't mean that the increase of CO2 is CAUSED from the increase in Temperature and that it is totally opposite than what they are trying to get people to believe?




  1. CO2 thins the ozone layer in the sky. This layer is a good shield against UV and other sun qualities such as heat and temperature.

  2. See the section entitled 'Carbon Dioxide Feedbacks' here for an explanation:

    To answer your second question - no.  Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas.  That means it traps heat.  If we increase atmospheric CO2, it will cause the planet to warm.

  3. That's  tough, and one of the two fundamental questions, that remain unanswered. Another; are the terrestrial carbon sinks able to compensate for the increase of carbon? Some say yes, others say no, the atmospheric O2 levels have stayed constant other then normal fluctuations. Leading to the postulation that the Earths filtering mechanisms are working as designed. Most of the other questions being ask are; what are the true processes involved? The consequence's are based on sheer speculation, having no predictable outcome.

  4. I am glad to see that there is someone else out there who has some intelligence, and not be being sucked in to the BS that the media, and some of the so-called experts have to say.

    The increase in CO2 levels(After periods of 'Global Warming)'  makes perfect sense, since carbon dioxide is more readily dissolved in colder water than warmer water.

    As sea temperatures increase, they can no longer absorb as much CO2.

    The fact that CO2 is NOT a so-called 'Greenhouse Gas', has nothing to do with the way the people in 'Academia Land' will try to portray it, or how the general public will perceive it however.

    I am very sad to say that science has such a poor reputation today due to the 'lunatic fringe' which claim to be scientists and are the only ones that the media gives any attention to.

    Scientists are not arrogant, selfish, or have any hidden agendas.

    If proper scientists were able to speak, there would be no issue about so-called 'Global Warming'!

  5. It is a fact that CO2 absorbs outgoing infrared radiation, thereby affecting the 'global radiation budget'. If more radiation is kept in by the atmosphere it will be warmer.

    There are other gases in the atmosphere which do the same, eg water vapor and methane. These are all 'greenhouse gases' responsible for the natural greenhouse effect.

    To understand the importance of greenhouse gases just think of how Venus (with a thick atmopshere) is known to be warmer than Mercury (no atmosphere), despite Mercury being closer to the sun. Mars has a very thin atmosphere of mostly CO2, and no methane or water vapor so it's very cold.

    Now, it seems logical to assume that increasing the concentration of any greenhouse gas will increase warming. Just like putting an extra blanket on the bed will keep you warmer.

    It is of course not so cut and dry, but that's the reason why.

  6. The initial warming of the ocean (caused by long-term orbital cycles) causes a release of CO2 from the oceans.  Once released, the increased level of CO2 in the atmosphere then causes additional warming.  We've simply artificially eliminated the need for the first step, by putting the CO2 into the atmosphere ourselves.

  7. Bob, my friend, you continuously say that the 16 degree warming after the last ice age was due to solar radiation...where is your scientific evidence to back that up.

    I have searched, there isn't any.

    You are a very intelligent person...too intelligent to make arguments that you cannot back up.

  8. Neither.  Two things happening at the same time is NOT proof that one causes the other.

  9. ""Global warming results not from the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, but from an unusually high level of solar radiation and a lengthy - almost throughout the last century - growth in its intensity," Abdusamatov told RIA Novosti in an interview.

    "It is no secret that when they go up, temperatures in the world's oceans trigger the emission of large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. So the common view that man's industrial activity is a deciding factor in global warming has emerged from a misinterpretation of cause and effect relations." "

    You're right, rising temperatures cause co2 to increase.  There is an 800 lag of co2 levels compared to temps.

    Mars has 95% co2 levels on the planet.  That's a whopping 320,000% increase over the Earths co2 levels and now scientist believe the surface of Mars is even cooler than first predicted.

    There is no relationship between co2 and temperatures.

  10. global warming is caused by the sun's cycles, this planet is way more complex than we previously thought.

  11. Here's why, and it's very important.

    CO2 works TWO ways.  It causes warming by the greenhouse effect; and warming ocean water releases CO2.  This is basic science.

    IN THE PAST, CO2 always lagged several hundred years behind temperature.  That's because warming started for other reasons (probably changes in solar radiation), and CO2 was an effect.  The process can't happen fast, it takes hundreds of years.

    THIS TIME, there is no lag.  CO2 is going right up with temperature.  That can't be an effect (which takes hundreds of years); it must be because CO2 is a main cause.

    It's one of many reasons most all scientists say THIS warming is mostly caused by us.

    Jr F - Note the "probably".  It's the prevailing theory.  Google "Milankovic cycle".

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