
Why does the left make such a big deal about abortion in cases of rape and incest?

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it sounds reasonable on the surface but when you look at the stats ,.pregnancy in these cases are very rare.




  1. Why does the right make such a big deal about not supporting birth control, s*x education, equal pay for equal work, equal rights for all, same s*x marriages, same s*x adoptions, etc...

  2. Stats are self-reported and people in these situations rarely report. People make a big deal about it, because people like Sarah Palin think that rape and incest are no reason to abort. Even if there was just one instance, wouldn't it be cruel to deny abortion to that one person in that horrible situation?

  3. Abortion has been around as long as pregnancies have been. No one will ever stop them, or not.

    These people will have to deal with it. And all you people  AGAINST abortion...let's put a extra tax on you to help raise all these children......

  4. Because they think babies ought to pay for the crimes of their fathers with a death sentence.

    Others don't realize that, by having "exceptions" to their stance, they become pro choice and not pro life.

  5. Rape is a very traumatic experience. Luckily pregnancy does not happen too many times, but when it does the woman/girl has a difficult decision. Even though abortion is legal for a rape pregnancy, the life-long effects of having an abortion are worse than memory of the rape itself. Indeed the baby conceived is half of the female's DNA and genes, and do you really want to abort this gift of God even though the impregnation was a sin by perpetrator. The woman did not sin.

    Often the morning after pill is successful in preventing the pregnancy, if the rape is reported in time.

    With regards to incest, most of the pregnancies from incest are from consensual relationships and it is of no business for the legal system to be involved. The argument of birth defects is an old wives tale, over 93% of the incest babies do not have birth defects. These babies are often wanted by the couple, and should not be thrown away just because the parents are closely related.

  6. Abortions in general as a percentage of total pregnancies are rare as well, so why don't we just drop the whole thing.

  7. If you were raped and became pregnant would you like a choice?  The rapist already took the choice of having s*x out of your hands.  But I think you might be a man, not sure.

  8. It's always rare unless it happens to you.  Pro life advocates make no exceptions and in fact there should be.

  9. because it's not a matter of numbers, but the fact that it happens at all that makes arguments against control of your own body so wrong. Would you legalize theft of rare jewels just because it happens so seldom? of course not. Would you make a law that no one is allowed to poison people, even though it is rare? of course. Do you want to be heartlessly forced to give birth to the child of your rapist, even though it doesn't happen to other people much?

    Does the state have the right to use your body without your consent, in ways that might kill you, or ruin your life?


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