
Why does the liberal media so desperately want Obama to win the election? ?

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They're over the top on the bias this year as opposed to previous elections.

It's obvious there is a tilt not just on coverage, but on the positive light cast on the man versus McCain.




  1. You've given no examples of this bias you're seeing. Thus, it's impossible to know what you're talking about.

    I haven't seen anti-McCain, pro-Obama bias. If McCain does or says something stupid, and media report it, that's not bias.

    If anything, there's been an anti-Obama bias, as the media report every idiotic and blatantly false rumor about Obama.

  2. honestly i believe it's the following reasons:

    - obama is young

    - we all are kind of tired of having a republican as president [[i know i am]]

  3. Because he's A) liberal, and B) photogenic. What more could the liberal media want?

  4. It is not a liberal MEDIA that is wants this guy in.

    It is everyone that is against the right wing dogma that we have been given the last 8 years from this half wit, no-talking, C-AVERAGE, WAR LOVING, LYING, GOOD O'BOY...!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Clinton gave us a lie based on a personal experience!!! I would have lied too. That was not OUR BUSINESS!!!

    BUSH LIED and thousands of PEOPLE DIED and BILLIONS of dollars are being spent in another country. While thousands of JOBS are lost IN America and people are losing --BECAUSE COMPANIES ARE CLOSING, they are homes and life style.

    Many people that are already rich have gotten richer... Halliburton  (VP Chaney's company) is dominate over there (Iraq) rebuilding getting richer, OMG!!! When will the stupidity stop!  

    As someone else stated -- it will take years and years before we get out of this hole! I do not believe that Obama will be able to do it. I wanted Sen. Clinton to win!!!!

    I will get off my soap box.

    Donald Duck would have done a better job as President then Bush! Yes – A CARTOON CHARACTER!!! Bush is better as one also. As a cartoon chter. I can laugh at him!!  In the real world I am embarrassed by him and I cry at all the pain and suffering that lay at his feet!!!

  5. The media are not liberal, it's a joke that anyone would even think that.  You're always going to think they cover the candidate you don't like more.  For example, I am tired of seeing McCain's tired old face.  And perhaps people want him to win because the conservatives have made such a mess of things.

  6. we can't afford four more years.

  7. Most of the mass media hates America and our freedom. So does their boy.

  8. It's beyond pathetic how they cover this candidate.

  9. Look, first of all it's 'corporate media'

    Using a lame cliched phrase like 'liberal media' simply shows a lack of independent thinking.

    Personally, I am not a huge fan of Obama either. But I think part of the media swell represents a backlash against the Cheney/Bush administration.

    Many journalists are aware of the damage done by the current administration. A big ugly war based on lies, with more to come. A trillion (!) dollars in debt and counting, raping of the Bill of Rights and constitution, allowing torture etc. the list goes on.

    McCain has all but promised more of the same.  

  10. Obama is liberal.

    Hollywood is liberal.

    Media from large cities is liberal.

    Why the surprise?

  11. Because he is going to make great headline stories one day for them!  I am here to tell you that unfortunately he will make president :O(  (and for the record , he doesn't get my vote!!)

    WHY, you may ask...Because the Bible is being FulFilled every day!  With each tick of the clock times is winding down.  It really doesn't matter who becomes president because if you read the bible, you will see time is of the essence.

    God Speed!!

  12. They think he will keep his word and let the Media run the country.

    Unfortunately they are going to be in for a rude awakening IF he does win. He will only give the press the bare minimum of information and play silly games like he did with his VP 'selection' .

    They will get more 'facts' from PRAVDA than they will from the O'Bama camp.

    EDIT:...Media Darling in danger, Dem.'s suing O'Bama... see below..

  13. Because he is a black candidate with a name that does not sound American.  And that's all the liberal media needs to know.

    (Just like his followers do not need to know what he means by "change".)

  14. Because the USA has suffered the worst leadership we have ever known for the past 8 years from the worst president in the history of the office and because the damage that has been done is incalculable and it will take years to dig ourselves out of this enormous deficit which is the legacy of the current administration.  

  15. Because Obama represents change. McCain is just like Bush.

  16. Because While the Republican platform stands for "Individualization and "Free Enterprise" -

    The Democratic Party stands for "Unionization, (Socialism) - BIG BROTHER.


    T.V., News, Broadcasting - Union (promote the stars, and the Democrats like they are "agents" for the stars.  They made Obama a celebrity.

    Teachers and Professors - Union (our kids are spoon fed union democratic bias DAILY).  Textbooks are written FOR the teachers BY (you guessed it UNION writers.  See where I'm going with this!

    The UNIONS have been promoting socialism over Capitalism for a long time - UNIONS are BIG BROTHER!  Earmarks (pork spending that we all hate) are funnelled to the Labor Unions by Congress, they are a big part of running our government inefficiently.

    Hollywood - Union ( s*x, drugs, and rock n roll orgies are used to bash the Republican Party morality. Recording Artists (Union) that's why Madonna bashes Bush along with a myriad of Recording stars.

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