
Why does the link to my 360 page keep going to my Yahoo Profile?

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How do I stop this and make it go to my 360 page instead?




  1. I went through about 2 hrs of trying to get mine to work. I researched and found that YA's is changing, and this is presently a glitch that comes with the change. I was quite frustrated yesterday. This is what I found that may help a little:

    Update on 360 Transition and Timing

    Hi Everyone,

    Here’s the latest news on the transition from your 360 page to your new profile on Yahoo!: It will be taking place sometime in the second half of 2008. We don’t have specifics on the date to share just yet, but you’ll be among the first to know. For now just keep this in mind: 2nd half ’08.

    I know you get a lot out of 360, and that there’s a good chance you’ve used it to deepen friendships and extend connections near and far. So, I completely understand that you might not exactly be “chomping at the bit” for the shift to the new system (i.e., that you might be dreading it on some level).

    Well let me first say that it’s truly Yahoo!’s honor to offer a service you rely on to fulfill those requirements—keeping your friendships vibrant and even building new connections. Yahoo!’s promise to you is we absolutely won’t let that drop!

    In fact, our upcoming (currently occurring) shift is based on these same core principles, but expands them across the entire Yahoo! network—so you can share your interests and activity with your community, and discover new content and experiences from your trusted friends. The approach gets a good description in the following articles and blog posts:

    Yahoo Open Strategy – Web 2.0 Presentation

    Yahoo rewiring itself from the inside out

    For example, your Profile will be integrated into the new Yahoo! Mail welcome page which will surface messages from the people who matter to you most. Additionally, you will see Updates from your important connections helping you to discover new content and activities in real-time.

    As part of Yahoo!’s initiative to open-up, users will be able to add applications from Yahoo and third parties on their Profile page and various Yahoo sites and pages, including the home page of Yahoo.

    Finally, let’s get down to the nuts and bolts of what this means to you and your 360 account. We’ll migrate your profile photo, your nickname, your friends lists, blog posts and blog comments.

    We will continue to provide updates on the transition as we have more information.

    Matt Warburton

    Yahoo! Community Manager

  2. The reason you are having so many problems with your 360 account is ..

    We are losing our Yahoo 360 accounts very soon according to the Yahoo product blog you can access by going to this link:

    There are many problems that will not be fixed by Yahoo on the 360, and they are getting worse each passing day.

    I urge you to go to the product blog and read the information for the last three postings by yahoo about all of the changes that are coming to us soon.

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