
Why does the media always hype stuff that is so little meaning to the average american ?

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They are bad at hype stuff that never really happens and always trying to scare people !!!!! President Bush talked today and made more sense them they make . So take things with a grain of salt !!! The media doesn't know everything !!!




  1. It's to manipulate you and brainwash your thinking!

    GOOD question b.t.w

  2. benjamin straight writes:  To sell some type of idea or product which results in revenues.  It is all about money and advertising dollars.

  3. Ratings, Ratings, Ratings!

  4. this will solve your question please watch the whole thing its important

  5. Because the news media makes money by keeping it's audience entertained, not informed.

  6. they are accustomed to fear tactics and emotional issues. they think they need to do this to get attention. they need attention so sponsors will pay to show their product, so the media can pay their high-priced talking heads.

  7. I saw Bush on tv today and he thinks that the economy is growing...  With all of the layoffs, gas prices and the housing crisis...  

    It's true that you should always check other sources though.  In the NY papers, Jonathan Papelbon was quoted as saying that he should be the closing pitcher.  In all other media the rest of the quote was printed (he said he would like to but understands that it's the "godfather's" right).

  8. The media exisist to sell itself, not to keep us informed.  The general american public seems to find this interesting, thats why people keep watching the news and they keep running the same stories.

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