
Why does the media attack those who ask legitimate questions?

by Guest55640  |  earlier

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specifically about 9-11, the federal reserve, why was ron paul excluded from the republican debate? because then there would have been a real debate. Watch steven colberts speech at the whitehouse because he was speaking the truth




  1. They like spin, they don't like facts.  It is a new time.  We don't want facts we want opinions.   People like Ron Paul would make people think, and you have to blame the audience they aren't interested.  They want entertainment.

  2. Because the media is controlled via the people who don't want citizens to learn about how illegal that the federal reserve really is...nor do they want people to ask any more questions about 9/11 because they got the spin that they wanted and they want to keep people from thinking.

    The "News" today is nothing more than propaganda from the elite and we are being had.

  3. Because big media is owned and controlled by a very small number of giant multinational corporations (8 or nine in total).

    Media ownership - Federal Reserve interests - Council on Foreign Relations membership and Trilateral Commission membership are all intertwined.

    The media is not interested in debate.  It is the role of the 21st Century media to parrot the propaganda of the corporate interests that control the government.

    America will continue to slide until the majority of the people come to see the 21st Century media for what it is - a propaganda machine and brainwashing tool.

  4. Because they are left leaning liberals, who for some stupid reason think they know more than the rest of us.

  5. because theres always someone who likes starting trouble, i do wish they would answer questions respectably ive been hurt a few times just by asking a simple question

  6. As they can't dispute facts, in the absence of the truth, attack is usually their only form of defense.

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