
Why does the media blame people not going to church on Buffy?

by Guest62419  |  earlier

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when's the democrats!

Okay, okay, so I'm not completely serious. But there was actually a segment on the news today about how they believed that Buffy had caused people to stop going to church. I was very offended! I love Buffy The Vampire Slayer, and you know what? I still go to church! I just don't actually believe everything I see on television. Supernatural stuff in a FICTIONAL television show should not be enough to take someone's religion. I think people need to lighten up! I mean, really... you could blame people's not going to church on The Wizard of Oz, too, because there was a witch in it. Oooooooh...I can feel my religion slipping away just thinking of her long striped socks and big green nose!

What do y'all think?




  1. I believe in God, but not organized religion.  The church uses whatever "scare tactics" they can to get people to come back after all the scandals and sh** it gets mixed up in.  Plus, it's the American way to always blame someone else.

  2. Buffy the TV show is 100% more real than the c**p they sell at church.

  3. Silly isn't it, especially when vampire movies depict the power of Christian symbols over evil more than any other media I can think of.

  4. Buffy taught me the importance of having a cross handy.

  5. Well a faith based system can't really compete unless they exclude other faiths or belief systems.

    So they cry, unfair, people are reading Harry Potter, watching Buffy so they think the Bible is a load of rubbish.

    But those who recruit new members are doing so by their own example, but setting their own standards. They don't need to tear down other systems, they go out, help people, do good and inspire.

  6. The characters on Buffy had more moral character than almost any other TV show I've seen in at least a decade.  Very silly.

  7. Because it's always somebody elses fault.

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