
Why does the media continue to insist that a man was pregnant?

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They say that "he" was born a woman. Duh! The headline always states that a man is giving birth when that isn't true. Playing dress-up doesn't make you a man.




  1. He is not "playing dress-up". He takes hormones and has actually a "man body" (meaning that because of these hormones he has a "small p***s", because the hormones makes the clitoris grow like a small p***s and he doesn't have b*****s)

    So, before you say that it's not true read some more about it : )

  2. 1. "He" is "legally" a man, having undergone surgical and chemical s*x change (although only partial) and been recognized by the government as a man, not a woman.

    2.  It sounds kind of titillating to say a man was pregnant, it gets people curious and giggling, and sells papers.

  3. Beatie is legally a man now. So to be ethical and make sure their stories are correct (which they are) they call Beatie a man.

    Because he is rightfully one.

  4. Uhhh...

    Please do us all a favor and research on Transsexuality, The Harry Benjamin Syndrome, and the definition of "ignorant".

    And when you find the definition of "ignorant", you'll find how that applies to you after you had successfully done research on Transsexuality and The Harry Benjamin Syndrome.

    Sorry to break your oh so wonderful world of how you think everything should be, and welcome to reality.

    Thomas does not "dress-up". If that were the case, that would mean that he at the end of the day can regrow surgically removed b*****s and control and the molecular and cellular level of the permanent changes after HRT with Testosterone.

    Thomas Beatie is a trans man, who has at this moment female genitalia, which is being used to carry a baby, because his wife cannot due to a hysterectomy.

    So uh, before your start spewing you mouth full of assumptions based on ignorance, I'd really suggest you learn how to read and put that skill to good use.

    Otherwise, I really wouldn't know if this is your @ss talking or what.

    Congratulations for you!

    PS. Get a life...after you've successfully grown an educated and intelligent brain. Thanks!

  5. You read the article, didn't you?  That is your answer.  Sensationalized headlines gets attention and facts need not get in the way.  News is not news; not a public service.  It is a business.  They will continue to do this as long as it is profitable.

  6. "Why does the media continue to insist that a man was pregnant?"

    Perhaps because 'the media' have listened to the medical evidence that shows that gender is determined in the brain, before birth, it's unchangeable, and is independent of the shape of your genitalia or your chromosome count.

    You're right; 'playing dress-up' doesn''t make you a man; but neither does having, or not having, a p***s.

    You might like to educate yourself a little;

  7. I don't know but I sure feel sorry for that kid


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