
Why does the media do anything possible to sabatoge republican images?

by  |  earlier

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  1. The media are ALL LIBREALS.  They favor more worthless social programs for the worthless lazy Americans who do not have jobs.  Journalism is not a real job.

  2. Why do you let the media get too you?

  3. Republicans s***w up there own Image look at the state of the country.What's wrong with you people,your republican have s***w up America.and you worrying about an image.

  4. it works both ways. cnn can really can really put the screws to a republican and fox is more than glad to remit same. they just love it when they have a democrat by the jugular. it's just politics.

  5. Because the media is UNION and are acting as public relations "agents" for pro-union democrats.

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