
Why does the media feel it necessary to inform the public that McCain's running mate, Palin...?

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has a child with Down Syndrome? They don't mention anything about the other children (other than she has 5 kids), but feel it necessary to state that the baby has DS.

Why? Is it a ploy to try to gain sympathy voters for McCain or simply good reporting?

What's your take?




  1. They are stating everything pertinent about Palin.  That she has five children and one does have downs.  So what.  She has a lot going for her.  She is an absolute perfect pick!!!!

  2. Because that is all anyone in the lower 48 states  knows about her.  She has no record on the economy (see below) and by MeCain selecting a woman that few of us  knows....well he must either think he can fool the public by selecting the elephant in the room (female) or is he suffering from early Alzhiemer's.   She only has two years of service as Governor...but they did elect her.  

    He had a shot with choosing Mitt Romney but he blew it because he has "personal issues" with him.  Stupid, huh?  Glad we found out before it was too late.

    PS.  Practically all of Alaska lives on Federal money now as the Feds own 99 percent of the state because of the oil and gas reserves... I don't believe Alaska even has state income taxes... so I it will all continue with the Republicans.

    Other than that she seems like a nice lady and we will no doubt begin to learn the fact she won election by 80 percent.  That's cool and that's what should have been reported.  Also...did you notice that McCain had to read his WHOLE speech in making his announcement of VP?

    That only means he did not write it...nor know her well enough to ad lib ....He's OLD but she seems to have a ton of energy.

  3. It humanizes the story and is a way to differeniate her from others...

    I don't think anything sinister is going on here, I try to look at things at face-value and keep them in mind moving forward.  If this is all we hear about for a week or more, then it becomes a ploy IMHO.

  4. She is also under federal investigation.

  5. It's to remind everyone that she is pro-life and she doesn't believe in killing innocent babies.  She believes in accepting responsibility.

  6. well they said Bidens wife died and they didnt talk much about his new wife.

  7. It's a fact and part of her character and challenge. It's something you would want to know about a candidate.

    Just like Obama's single mother on food stamps.  

  8. Why does the media feel it necessary to inform the public that John McCain doesn't know how many houses that he has (due to pre-nups and inheritance issues with former wives)?

    They don't mention anything about Obama's mansion or Tony Rezco or the shady deal that was made in order for Mr-Common-man-Obama to get the mansion, but feel it necessary to harp on the fact that McCain has SEVEN houses and he doesn't know it!

    Why? Is it a ploy to try and gain sympathy voters for Obama or simply silly reporting?

    What's YOUR take???

  9. I was watching the news and they also said that Palin's oldest son is in the Army and going to Iraq so what you are saying it not true.

  10. It's what they do.  

  11. First of all her being picked by McCain is a ploy. I think a woman president or vice president is great, but to "use" this woman is just disgusting. After the very strong democratic convention, he now feels it's one of his only chances. They now look very weak, afraid, and despicable. I think she deserves better than to be "used". Yes, it is all a ploy, but it won't work. Americans simply will not have four more years of Bush!

  12. She knew the baby had this condition.  Palin is true to her beliefs.  She is not a hypocrite.  

  13. because thats what the media does

    its no ploy

    im sure you would prefer it if it wasnt mentioned

    its 2008        the people want to know everything  

  14. Well, now the political discourse will be:

    "POW; Down's Syndrome; POW; Down's Syndrome"

    I was hoping for Guiliani - where it would be the constant

    "POW; 9/11; POW; 9/11"


    I find the republicans to be quite amusing this year; good luck!

  15. Republicans will use anything, even a kid with Down Syndrome, to get an edge....they are pathetic.

  16. Because the media is bored and needs something to draw out your emotions so they can sell more Coke and Pepsi and increase the price of their ad slots.

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