
Why does the media just tell part of the truth?

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surely they know what damage they are doing to the people.These people are suppose to be educated but many are really just tell their stories with only partial truth.




  1. Because so often telling the entire truth interferes with their  agenda.  It's like the kid who wants to go to the candy store.  He doesn't tell his dad that he's going to steal half the candy and stab the clerk for if he did he (hopefully) wouldn't get to go.

  2. Stock in the first gare. And most of them are black. The right to protech what belong to them. Rather see white on the screen than black.

  3. It's always good to remember that the vast majority of the media in the US identify with the Democrat party and many skew their reporting accordingly.

    A prime example is the current election campaign where the US (and world media) are falling all over themselves to to convince America that a lightweight like Obama would make a good president.

  4. The liberal media has an downplay old fashioned virtures such as patritiosm, love of God and love of country........and they also have an agenda to lead this nation astray.  The are most likely backed by big money.  Folks who take all they say and do as 'gospel truth' are so blind.  I believe Fox News, and conservative talk radio are a wonderful and refreshing alternative. Yet, there are those in power who want to silence them, thru the Fairness Doctrine.  If we value freedom we need to be informed, and to fight these evils.

  5. I don't know which specific incident you're talking about, but media usually do that to edit the most "interesting" stuff, to achieve the best reaction from people for simple reason: SELL.

  6. These educated morons think it's intellectual to always question everything our government does.  Mostly they question the traditional values and foundation of this great nation.  They hold communism and socialism in high regard, which is why they slant their news reporting to the left.

  7. they spin their stories to fit their viewpoint, even though it isn't the whole truth. They don't care about the "truth," just their version of it.

  8. Because they're a**holes. Most people in this world are out to get money, no one cares about anything but money. They do the same they're trying to make money and it's twisting the story which makes all the money.


    Media has it own culture its own identity and just like a person's perception is his reality so it is true for a corporation. Do you know any truly un-bias people?  In an ideal world you would still need to seek the truth from many sources.

    The problem with today's news outlets is that they are NOT in the business of reporting the facts...they are in the business of achieving high ratings and selling ad spots to improve the mega-corps bottom line....most news (print/TV/radio) outlets are apart of a corporations holding portfolio and as such have to contribute to the bottom line.

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