
Why does the media only tell half a story?

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do they want to scare people? they go on about - "in 1950 there were only 500 murders and now bla bla bla" or "in 1960 polution was...and now..."

its allways the same! they mention the differences, but fail to mention that populations have INCREASED. if you break down the numbers crime and shizz has dropped in proportion to population...but that is never shown.





  1. The media know their readers/viewers and will always tell the story from the point of view that they know that their audiance will agree with.

  2. Newspaper = x pence , good headlines sell lots of papers  , you don't have to buy it , believe it or support it .

  3. Because our media only tells us what we want to hear . The news is meant to make you feel like other people have it worse than you, so that you can feel better about YOUR life.

  4. Because the media sensationalise stories because they believe people will find them more interesting if they do.

  5. include a link with an example, then other links to other valid media that fill it out and then I can consider your allegation.

  6. Simply because the truth never sells, its the fear factor that works as well as the sensationalising of a story. We are made to feel guilty on a daily basis, if of course we take in the drivel they produce. The climate at the moment has its focus on doom and gloom if the papers were to play down the stories they would have nothing to write about x

  7. I agree with Percy! I also get tired of reading the same old c**p about who's had plastic surgery, healthy eating and so on.

  8. The media has its own political agenda. It is extremely  biased. Have you ever read a newspaper called the "Daily Mail". Wow.....Its is an extrem right wing newspaper that tells only half the story. They manipulate the stories to fit their own political agenda.

  9. Have NO doubts about this ALL MEDIA HAS AN AGENDA!!!!!In a nation that depends on it's media to bring us an unbiased gathering of the news,we are fed whatever garbage they would have you believe.Gone are the days of responsible ,well researched articles,of yesterday when facts were actually facts and not written on the fly as it were.It is an election year and crime is up,the economy is getting better,we're winning in iraq,and so on etc,on and on.

  10. You are very generous saying the media tell half a story.

    The media in the UK, at the Governments instigation report in only negative terms, this creates two conditions in the population, powerlessness and hopelessness.

    People who feel hopeless and powerless are easy to manipulate, they feel "theres nothing I can do" so they do nothing and the Government just get on with their incompetent horseplay.

    The whinging and whining in the media spreads like wildfire and the apathy is self perpetuating.News isn't news its just media fodder.

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