
Why does the media rarely ever have any good news to report?

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Why does the media rarely ever have any good news to report?




  1. Good news is not viewer grabbing - a network gets no rating from running good news- Mankind loves the bad, the shocking, the gross, the man bites dog type of news. Unfortunately.

  2. Because they show what the people wants, look at all the gossip shows and Nancy Grace.  People like to have water colers conversations, and these news make good  water colers.

  3. The world is miserable and misery loves company.

  4. Cause Good news is "boring" . I totally agree with you

  5. A common question. Basically, news is something out of the norm -- so a traffic accident, plane crash, etc. qualifies. You don't hear about plane flights that make it safely. That probably pushes things to the negative side a little bit.

    However, many stories are neutral (Congress debated a bill today...), and many others are positive. Park opens. Home team wins. Man celebrates 100th birthday. You just have to keep an eye out for them -- the good stories are out there.

  6. you should try living in Britain, nothing but stabbings and gun crime every day.

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