
Why does the media target video game violence?

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Video games are now part of american pop culture. its a big chunk of the economy. basically, video games are huge.

Okay, i think people get it GTA 4 is NOT a game for kids.

and with all the recent studies on how video games do NOT affect the youth in any violence problems, and that they can actually help kids because of the many puzzles and you have to use your brain. With all of this, why does the media HATE video games, seriously? AND why do people say video games are for nerds and dorks? i hate it.




  1. video games are only one source of violence children are exposed to that the media targets.  our primetime television shows are borderline unacceptable on morals, violence, crime acceptance, etc.  all movies have become more and more violent as has our society.  it is probably not just video games alone but they are part of the big picture of what children and young teens are exposed to that form their character or lack thereof.  i absolutely agree that video games can have some positive for children but children want more than spongebob on their video games and at an earlier age than you imagine.  when you see the commercials for the grand theft games, you can certainly see why the kids can't wait to play them.  but to say they have no ill affect whatsoever is just not true.  and so i guess that is why the media targets them.  you have to start somewhere to try to cure the ills of society.  most importantly the violence, drugs, crimes must be stopped.

  2. the media to me just want someone to blame about violence that happen to youths. to me vidoe games have only a small part in why kids are the way they are. i hate it when they say oh violent video games should be banned and  pulled off the market. all people are violent and we repress it till we just snap. violence has been reported throughout history and there  is nothing we can do about and it really takes an idiot to actually act out a video game.

  3. Perhaps they are blind to their own contributions to violence in general!

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