
Why does the mormon have a reputation for having great knowledge of peoples ancestry?

by Guest63119  |  earlier

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what is the purpose of being able to do real far-fetching histories into peoples pasts?




  1. as mormons, we do a special ceremony in the temple, that "seals" families together. which basically means when a "sealed" family dies and goes to heaven, the family will be together like they were on earth. we want our ancestors to be sealed together and we want to be sealed to them, so we do genealogy and "seal" our ancestors together. we believe that families will be together forever.  

  2. As several have explained, it is part of the Church beliefs.  Because of this, church members have always been encouraged to research their ancestry, and submit that for church ordinance work.

    There is a bit more... missionaries have, for many many years, gone all over the world to microfilm and preserve any records they can. This is not simply family trees, but things such as court files, books, so forth. Other records have been transcribed and digitized into the computer.

    It is important to know the difference. The microfilms are far more original sources. If you live in Calif, you can order microfilms to search records that ARE NOT ONLINE, and would otherwise be inaccessible, without actually traveling to the locality. The fee is simply a small handling fee to deal with sending the film to a local branch family history center.

    Contrary to what many people believe.. the submitted family trees are the work of the researcher, and are not "proofed" by the Church itself. So.. there are known errors, but this is true of any secondary research.  I am not an LDS member, however, I did spend a year or so as a volunteer at one of the branches.. so am familiar with what they offer.  

  3. Mormons believe in "sealings" that join families together in the hereafter based on ordinances done on earth in Mormon temples. So they do vicarious sealings for deceased ancestors. It's what keeps them going back to the temples after going through the first time for their own ordinances.

    Ultimately they hope to vicariously baptize, seal, etc. every person who's ever lived so that each person may accept Mormonism in the afterlife *if they choose*. The Family History Library in Salt Lake is open to everyone, though, and I've never been asked about religion when visiting there.


    1 Tim 1:4-8 KJV

    Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so do.

    5 Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned:

    6 From which some having swerved have turned aside unto vain jangling;

    7 Desiring to be teachers of the law; understanding neither what they say, nor whereof they affirm.

    8 But we know that the law is good, if a man use it lawfully;

  5. Because God wills it.


    Joseph Smith

  6. They do baptisms for the dead, by proxy (done by a living person on behalf of the dead) in mormon temples all over the world. So they want to make sure and get all there family members baptized.

  7. Mormons believe that people that died without a knowledge of the gospel can be baptized (baptism for the dead - note: a living person is baptized in the name of the dead person) there are also other ordinances that are performed for the dead. the only way to do these ordinances are to have the peoples names, that is why geneology is so important.

  8. Mormon's believe that they can save the souls of their ancestors by "converting" them posthumously (after death).  This is what has prompted the great investment in genealogy among Mormons.  

  9. Mormons, like Jews, believe that it is their duty go find the genealogy of everyone. Because of this, they have established genealogy sites across the U.S. and around the world to do genealogy research.

  10. "Candy" is partially correct.  We do not try to "convert" any ancestor, but we do complete ordinance work for them such as vicarious baptisms and other temple work and the deceased is of course allowed to "accept" the work performed for them or not. It is their call.

  11. IT is called the Spirit of Elijah.  The final verses of the Old Testament talked about this time.

    Malachi 4:5  Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord:

      6 And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.

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