
Why does the news report mainly on two parties?

by Guest56370  |  earlier

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When is the last time you read news on Cynthia McKinney or Bob Barr? etc... Why wasn't the Libertarian Convention reported on?

At least 30% of people are interested in alternate parties, and are sick of red vs. blue politics, but the news doesn't cover it?

Why not?




  1. Because nobody cares about the alternate parties.  If people did it would be in the news.

    30% are interested?  Yeah right.

  2. the two main parties represent the rich and powerful. Most media is owned by the extremely rich and extremely powerful. Of course they're going to focus on nobody else! Barr and Nader would probably try to close the tax loopholes for our giant national news conglomerates.

  3. They are not worth the ink. Peace

  4. Sorry to bust ya bubble but it doesnt matter who gets in

    Whoever is in power just does what there told .

    The media is also controled by the same people ,

    Thats why people like yourself who use the internet are fantastic you can and do think for your self .

    Lets all enjoy this privalige people cause they can pull the plug on this any time as well

    Stay informed  Knoledge is power  

  5. Because there are mainly two parties, and where on earth do you get 30% from?  

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