
Why does the phone always ring just as you are about to get into a relaxing bath, when it's not rung all day?

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Why does the phone always ring just as you are about to get into a relaxing bath, when it's not rung all day?




  1. its called sod's law! unfortuantly it happens to all of us, with no real explanation!!

  2. may b becoz the vertically opposite angles are equal

  3. that's what answering machines are for.

  4. how funny glad i don't have that problem.

  5. Too true!

    Nowadays,i always take the phone into the bathroom and keep it on the washing machine ....just in case!

    l hate dripping across the carpet to pick it up,and it almost always spoils my nice,planned soothing bath!

  6. The caller as just seen you climbing into the bath.  Then calls you!

  7. it's the evil pixies! they disconnect the phones while your at home that day, then connect them after you have drawn the bath!

  8. Vibes, they want you to run, grab the phone and speak, they get a kick and feel important you ran and answered when they called.

    ....By the way this was a question I used to ask, found the answer now.

  9. just dont bother answering, if its that important theyll ring back. otherwise take the phone into the bathroom with you.. just becareful not get water on it.

  10. commonly known as 'sod's law'!

  11. You don't have to answer it.....too many people think that if a bell rings they have to answer it......If its important they will call back.....chill out...

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