
Why does the pool table has only 6 pockets?

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Why does the pool table has only 6 pockets?




  1. Well if you have too many pockets it would become boringly easy to play.

    As it is, there is one at each corner plus two more in the middle of the long sides.

    As having more pockets would look obvious, many pool tables designed for pubs actually have oversized pockets - clever for two reasons.

    1. The games end faster as less precision is need to get the ball into the pocket. fast games = more games per hour = more money for the pub.

    2. The players think that they get their best performance at the "grunt n' holler" bar as opposed to anywhere else - so they tend to gravitate to the easier tables.

  2. Because Mr. Pool wanted it that way when the game was created. I am sure there is some odds mathematical equation that goes into.

  3. Do you want it to have more so that you can pop the balls easily? Why do you have two hands or two legs? Because that's the number you require.

  4. If it had 8 you would be asking why 8...if it had 24, you would be asking why is there 24......why, becuse that is how it is.

  5. If you have an unconventionally shaped table then they can have more. I've seen a Y shaped table that had 8 pockets and a circular table that had 5 pockets (1 of which was smack in the centre ! ).

    Don't forget that billiard tables have no pockets at all

    I'm sure when the pocket table was invented they experimented with varying numbers of pockets to find an ideal number of pockets.

    I've never seen one but I'm sure someone somewhere has a table with only 2 pockets, especially designed for 1 pocket pool.

  6. It's normal to have a pool table with only six pockets. Two at each end and two in the middle. Pool tables usually don't have any more than six.

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