
Why does the post office suck?

by  |  earlier

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I put this question out there to see what kind of response I would get, I intentionally made it vague so people would take it anyway they wan't. The results and answers varied, I can certainly tell most of you have had a problem with the Post Office.




  1. It is a government run branch...what more answer than that do you need?

  2. they dont suck they l** lol i dk why they just do

  3. I think they do a darn good job considering everything.

  4. Because their answer to customers complaining that the lines take too long is to remove their clocks.  Ugh...

  5. Easy one.

    Because they don't have to worry about retaining your business.

    Its the same reason the DMV sucks.  When you have no choice whether or not you go there, there is no reason for them to offer you and sort of decent service.

  6. b/c they have nothing better to do.

  7. Government run organizations

    cannot be good to the customer.

    Take for example the Secretary of State,

    have you ever had a fun time there?

  8. postal management

  9. Because they're money hungry like everyone else. Problem is, there's just too many employees "going postal."  I just think it's completely hilarious how they announce to their employees beforehand when the drug testing will occur.  I've seen way too many drug addicts pass these tests, because they know exactly which products to buy to clean their system out.  Also, they don't do anything in regards to their employees who have a history of domestic violence, or any type of a history of violent behavior. And just think...the guy walking up to your door with a bunch of mail could easily be a drug addict or an abuser. Yes I do know some of each!

    And yet, UPS & FedEx charges for pickups, along with extra fees for customers who don't have high account status. USPS is still cheaper, compared to the others.  I'm just glad that my postal carrier is a nice woman!

  10. Because one must suck if they expect liquid to come up through a straw.  What does that have to do with your anger?

  11. The post office doesn't suck. The postal employee unions suck

  12. Your question is a bit on the stupid side.  You just didn't explain anything about the problem or problems you feel the post office has.  Could it possibly be this last postage increase?  I was a bit disturbed by the postage stamps increasing, however, it's still a cheap way to get your mail delivered from point A to point B, now isn't it?

    Don't be too crossed with them.  That's life!  If you want to complain, then complain about our gasoline prices and how we're getting ripped off on a daily basis, and then I'll jump in and immediately defend you.  And, stay away from buying your gasoline from Citgo as Citgo is owned by the Venezuelan leader Chavez and he hates the U.S. and we the people.  I have all the information about that dangerous man, and I use that word dangerous very loosely.

    Be proud to be an American, and let the post office situation go and concentrate on what is hurting our country, which is the high cost of gasoline.

  13. It just depends on how you look at it. You can open your own post office if this is a legitimate concern and worry of yours.

  14. that's a stupid question. no offense or anything but it is

  15. Because its run by the government.

  16. cuz they r all lezbian!!!!!!

  17. because they are goverment jobs and the only way they get fired is if they molest a little kid or something like that. no motivation for customer service. thats why its better when most things are private.

  18. cause they lost my mail ..doind a good jod arent they lol

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