
Why does the price of gas change daily?

by  |  earlier

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The gas stations few a huge tank every so often and then charge all different rates for it. Why can't they just figure out a price they can make a profit at until they have to buy more gas to refill?




  1. when the price of gas comes in they have to adjust for what the NEXT shipment will cost.  The price of oil changes all day- it might start the day at 125 a barrel drop down to 123 at some point but end the day at 126 or 127.  I'm not saying they aren't making a profit but they have a certain profit they "need" to make so they adjust for that. That's how it was explained to me anyway....    

  2. the price of oil is going up i believe because of the war. the more expensive oil is the more expensive gas is. thats what ive heard

  3. what goes on in the world and what the mind set of the owner is.  

  4. the gas stations few a huge tank.....?

    while most stores and restaurants CAN change their prices

    hourly or daily, their suppliers keep their prices

    rather constant; with speculators, fuel prices are often "bought or sold"

    months or days or weeks into the future; that is called

    commodity speculation. I just wish those same speculators would

    become victims in restaurants or elsewhere; by the time they have

    gotten a waiter, their food prices should be increased.

    When suppliers change prices daily, the retailers choose

    to change their's daily.

  5. The high price for gas sucks. I got a gift card of $1000 (!!) for gas. Just needed to complete a few simple steps.

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