
Why does the progressive crowd hate the choice of a Female VP candidate by the Republican party?

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I have seen claims that Gov. Sarah Palin has no experience! I have seen people call her Susie Homemaker! I have seen the "fact" she has no national experience. Why are people so angry at her being picked.

Facts pertinent to question:

1. I am a Libertarian not a Republican so her choice hurts my candidate more than it helps.

2. The lady ran a town. Barak Hussein Obama has not.

3. The lady is running a State Governor. Barak Hussein Obama has not.

4. The lady has not been elected to a national post this makes her an outsider. Barak Hussein Obama has been elected to an national post and has never sponsored a single major piece of legislation this makes him an inexperienced insider.

5 As Governor of Alaska she is CinC of the Alaska National Guard, this gives her some military experience. She also has a son in the military. Barak Hussein Obama has no experience with the military except to dis it.

How about the fact that Gov Palin seems more qualified to go to Washington DC in an important post than BHO does? Is that why the Progressive movement is going ballistic?




  1. "Progressives" only support women candidates when they are running for the Demonratic Party. Otherwise, we are all idiots for thinking that a woman might actually do a good job.

    Lovin' the double standards, aren't you?

  2. Because they are insane?No seriously,they are running scared.McCain made a wonderful choice and he is shining right now.This woman made me feel good today,I am a mother and seeing a mother of five on stage,who comes from a working family gives me some hope.McCain/palin 08!!

  3. I agree with a lot of what you say that her experience in running Alaska can be somewhat translated at least into running a country, much more so than Obama has.

    I think the Dems are beside themselves because the GOP has stolen their thunder of being progressive.  The GOP is proving they too can be for progress.  With one tiny move, they have put themselves ahead of the Dems in the progressive movement by chosing a woman as a VP canidate, while the the Dems settled for the white guy for VP.  

    Not only that, but Biden got what?  7,000 votes in the presidential primaries?  

    Palin has 100,000 for governor of Alaska.

    Suck on that Dems.

  4. Nice spin. 100 points. Better then Fox.

  5. Listen, lets get serious here. This is not a game. This election is for the future of our kids and grandkids. I don't know if you have children but I do and I am concerned about her future.

    you are making a big election about small things.

    She is extremely ill equip to be President and you all know so stop playing like this is a kids game.

    Come on People, be serious for just one second

  6. They hate everything conservative or Republican. Just because Karl Rove and GWB outsmarted them two times in a row. It is a hangover of the Bush Derangement Syndrome. It will plague our nation and politics for years to come.

  7. I could delve deep into why they hate her but I will stick with 2 phrases.

    They feel threatened that the Republicans can do something only they thought they would do. Choose a non-white male for a VP or a President nominee.

  8. You got it. It's because it exposes them for they hypocrites that they are. The "progressive" party that couldn't even find it in themselves to nominate a woman for Pres or VP.

    It also makes them realize that this election is slipping away from them. And what timing, a day after the self serving DNC. Suddenly no one is even talking about it anymore.

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