
Why does the "Iraq government" allow Israel military airplanes to use US military base in Iraq ?

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Is it funny to have Jewish military planes to fly over a muslin country's airspace to threat another musline country? Is this the whole purpose of American invading Iraq all about?




  1. Apparently, the Americans were giving the Isreali's permission to use Iraqi air space and bases for a long time. Not even the Iraqi's knew it was going on until the Iranians met with them and informed them of such going ons. Part of the reason the Iraqi's are kicking up talk about a U.S withdrawal is because they know that a huge attack is coming. if so, the Iraqi's can do nothing about it but postion themselves to throw a small monkey wrench in the plan.

  2. Can you provide a link to that. Or are you just making this up?

  3. perhaps because they know

    --that they cant control their air space...

    --that israeli planes are generally assisting or ferrying in something some one of importance and likely sympathize with Iraq  they too are a country surrounded by enemies who would love to overrun their land ...

    -- they know that without air coverage, Iran and others would enter without permission (invade).

  4. The Iraqi government is a puppet government and they very little power.  They just do as they are told.

  5. That's exactly what it sounds like, a rumor.

    Because the media plays up the ravings of some Iraqi politician doesn't make it so.

  6. because Iraq's gov't is fully a 100%%%%% controlled by the US now.. the us invaded their government five years agoo DUH

  7. Iraq isn't an ally of Iran.  You knew that, didn't you?

    Iran should know by now, that it may take on the United States with blow-hard words and tactics, but Israel is another matter.  If  Israel sees a real and imminent  threat, she won't hesitate to eliminate Iran from the face of the Earth.  And she doesn't  need any help or okay or go-ahead from anyone.

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