
Why does the "Y!A is taking a breather" page pop up on some questions...

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you are trying to answer and spent your time writing it when the Q is still there and open and someone else has managed to put in their answer in the time you are having trouble getting the Q to accept yours? That really baffles me as this is the second time in 24 hours that this has happened to questions I actually thought highly of and wanted to contribute to, but just frustratingly couldn't?!




  1. oh boy does that do my head in,every night now for a week its done it,and like you say you spend a lot of time writing and then it goes to a break,really cheeses me off,so i go on the american site that was fine till last night,and guess what yahoo took a coffee break...i was even madder because a woman in my area was asking about kittens cause her cat was in labour,after i wrote everything down for her you guessed it yahoo had another blooming coffee break :p

  2. I'm not really sure what the problem is.  I have had the same problem several times this weekend.  All but one have been in the cat section. If I go to answer another question it works fine, but if I come back to try to answer the problem question again it still says YA is taking a break.  

  3. I know, it's annoying.  check the question again though. I had it happen a few times in the past couple of days and my answer was there when I re-checked the question. I'll be glad if they ever finally get this site working right.

  4. I have no idea why it does that but it drives me nuts. There's a question I can't answer now because I get that every time I try to answer that particular question. It isn't the first time it's happened either :(

  5. I've noticed it too, and it drives me nuts!

    I have no clue why it does it, but I sure wish Yahoo would fix it!

  6. I don't know what the problem is, but I've found that this has been happening with longer answers or even questions.

    What I do is hit the back button, Cut out a good chunk of my answer, submit it, then go back and edit it with the missing info.

    That's been working for me.

  7. I think what is happening is they are trying to limit how long your answer can be. It has happened alot to me lately so what i now do is put a put a piece of my answer in then edit to add the rest of the answer in. Since I started that I have had no problems

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