
Why does the same train run late every day because of the stopping service in front?

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Every time I get the express train in the morning I find that it comes into manchester on time then wait at the signal where the conductor apologises that we are either waiting for a platform to become available at the next station or the local stopping service in front is holding us up. There is only one line and this is the train which leaves 10 minutes before mine. It seems that my train can NEVER get there on time because the timetable will not allow it. Is this deliberate? Does the train company get a fine for being late and is the late charge passed on to me?




  1. Can you give the times of the trains in question, the TOCs concerned,  and into which Manchester station the trains are running? How late does your express service arrive? Ignore the rant about the RMT and ASLEF. Holdups of this nature are nothing to do with unions, but entirely to bad management and bad timetabling. Yes, the TOC could get fined for being late - and you might be entitled to compensation.

  2. Privatisation my friend!!

    As long as they're making money then sod the service.

    Wouldn't be like this if it was nationalised once more!!!!

  3. It is caused by congestion due to the fact that over time, the number of tracks into and out of a station has been cut. So incoming and outgoing trains have to 'compete' for platform space. Hence the delays. There was a time when this would not happen under normal conditions because the track and signalling would have been designed to cope with the everyday service. Not so today - if the network operator can get away with only one track when there used to be two, they'll 'rationalise' the track plan as it's euphemistically known and it's all being done to save money.

    The same problem happens frequently at Bristol Temple Meads and I'm willing to bet other major stations have similar difficulties.

  4. This is just another example of incompetence by the managements and bad communication between the various companies operating trains, signals etc. Situation is probably further exacerbated by the fact that RMT and ASLEF are the two  most disruptive Trades unions within the TUC. Like most rail company managements, they do not give a d**n either about the travelling public's comfort and convenience!

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