
Why does the sensor at the store goes off even one does not carry any item from any store when walk in/out?

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A female friend of mine told me that the sensor that installed at the entrance of the stores, the alarm always goes off even when she walks in without carrying any items from the them. Same thing happens when she walks out with or without carrying any item from them. She tried passing through the sensors without her handbag, but the alarm still goes off. Then I tried carrying her handbag and passed through, nothing happens. She said that she wore different clothings and shoes on many occasions and still trigger the sensor alarm with or without the handbag. She said she has NEVER undergo any metallic implantation surgeries, whatsoever. Can someone explain why? Is it really that some people are able to trigger the sensor alarm due to some sort of high magnetic field material that contain in their bodies?





  2. Maybe she has some sort of piercings...

  3. Your friend is one of Dr. Evil's fembots. Duck and cover when the machine guns come out of her nipples.

  4. She swallowed a store security tag and it got lodged somewhere.

  5. i had this happen to me the other day.

    Apparently, I purchase a piece of clothing, and the clerk forgot to remove the sensor.  I walked into another store and the sensor went off.  

    I vowed I would remove the sensor (sewn inside of the garment) from the garment once I got home, ofcourse, I forgot, and guess what?

    When I wore this top I notice all the stores I walked into had sensors going off.  Opps, on my part.

    To answer your question, look at the clothes you are wearing, could there be a sensor sewn into it, perhaps a tag located inside the (side) of your clothing, not at the top.  Sensors are generally located somewhere other than the designer tag.

  6. I'm not quite sure how to explain that... I guess some people's blood is different... like me: I can't wear watches without them quitting a little while after. Digital watches are ok, but I can't wear regular watches. And after I find they don't work, they work fine on someone else. It 's been weird. I've heard that some people do have stronger magnetic fields than others. You know how you can feel when someone walks into a room or is looking at you? Same thing, I think.

  7. A metal object in a form of spiral will make detectors go off.  Maybe on her key chain or someting.  Sometimes older cell phones made detectors go off too.  Or cell phones, made older detectors go off!

  8. Maybe she just has a problem with shoplifting?

  9. Honestly, I have nevetr heard of anyone actually being magnetic, though that doesn't mean it's not possible. More likely, though, she is carrying something that sets it off. It can be sort of random. I know lots of people with iPods and it's never a problem when they take them past sensors, but a few of them have had experinces where iPods set it off. Same with cell phones. If she has anything in her pockets, even something that you don't think would set it off, take it out and try again. It could be something with a metal wire or spring that you may not know is there.

    Beyond that, I really don't know. Try researching how the sensors work to gain a better understanding of what could set it off.

    Let it be noted that I did not say it's impossible for her to be magnetic - I just don;t know anything about that.

  10. I would like to know the answer to this question as well. I always set off alarms at airports. It is aggravating. The security officers often get mean (rough and abrupt language) and treat me as if I'm packing heat. I've been poked, prodded, etc. No explanation, and they have to put me through.

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