
Why does the sink smell when I turn on the water?

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I just mover in to a new place. When we looked at it, I did see that one of the sinks in the bathroom did not have a k**b on it, so I know it was not used and that is where the smell is coming from. But how do I get rid of the smell? I fixed the k**b and use that sink, but still have the stink.




  1. your sewage is backed up, hire a plumber

  2. You can try putting baking soda and vinegar down it.  Let it sit for half an hour, then run hot water for a minute or two.  Sorry, that's all I've got for you.

  3. Some sinks are cast china. and have a hollow section that is a connection between the hole just inside the rim of the sink and the actual drain. The hole is the over flow protection drain that allows water to leave before it over flows the rim. Down inside that hole gets wet and sours. plug the drain let it fill slowly and run into the over flow hole. Add vinegar or some other cleaning agent to the over flow and try and neutralize the smell.

    The only other smell could be coming from your sanitary drain line  beyond the leaving drain. if there is not a "P" or "J" type trap under the sink to hold a water seal..then sewer gases can creep back in.

  4. I have one that gets smelly when not used.  With mine, it is just dry drain pipes.  Since this faucet hasn't been used in some time, you may want to try this whole procedure:  You need to let the water run for some time, like 5- 10 minutes.  That should purge the crud in those pipes substantially.  Now, assuming this all drains just fine, you can either use a product like Liquid Plumber, or chlorine bleach. Vent the area if you're going to use bleach!  Dilute a cup of bleach in a bucket of water, and carefully pour it into the sink, and let it drain. Do not rinse the sink or drain for at least a half hour.  This should do the trick.

    If you continue to have trouble, call the landlord if you are renting, or check with a plumber.  It is possible that since the drain hadn't been used, it is lined with sediment.

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