
Why does the state of Florida not prosocute fathers that dont pay child support like they are supposed to?

by  |  earlier

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prosecute don't




  1. They don't in Arkansas either.  I agree that people who fail to pay child support should face stiffer consequences, but, unfortunately, it seems they just get a slap on the hand.  My brother-in-law has never paid a penny to any of his kids and when they do catch up with him, they put him in jail for a day or two and then release him.  He then goes to court and promises to start paying, but never does.  I think about the 3 children he has fathered that suffer because of his disregard.  I hope one day they get their due.  

  2. b/c florida sucks!!!! The crime is over the top, it's expensive and hot, to many homeless, to much traffic, they dont care about the child suppourt either but they should to get these dead beat fathers to pay up!!!

  3. cuz it's easier just to make another law...than to enforce the ones they already have in place...

  4. They don't prosecute mother's either. ;) My mother owes my sister and I 17 years worth of child support. She lives in Florida and figured out real fast that the only way to fly under the radar was to stay in Florida forever. Sad, huh?

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