
Why does the sun feel so close?

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i live in new orleans and seems like everyday it gets hotter and hotter like the sun is just closing in like the atmosphere is disappearing its hot and muggy all the time even at night




  1. You live in a very warm area that is also humid. Some years are warmer and others cooler. Your area is hotter this year by chance.

    Some would say it’s because of global warming, but it doesn't work that way. Global warming is a worldwide average increase of a couple of degrees. Important but not the cause of your local heat wave.

    It is definitely not because of the ozone depletion. Ozone blocks some ultraviolet rays that are harmful but doesn't contribute substantially to the heat problem.

  2. its not the ozone but the carbon levels are hgher ever day -fac carbon levels were never this high in 450 mil years

  3. This is why environmentalists are concerned about the ozone, global warming and other things that impact the weather...

  4. Well, the Sun *is* growing slightly larger, but not such that it would be noticible.... more likely, the added carbon and pollutants in the atmosphere are causing global warming, and *that* is why it 'feels' closer.

  5. It is because of the ozone layer, also the suns rays are only useful when they bounce off of something, space is cold.

  6. its because it summer and there r more hours of insolation(that with an "o", not a "u"), as in there r more daylight hrs to heat up the earth's surface than night time hrs for the surface to cool off...also, the muggy feeling lasts 24-7 because there is a noticable flow of heat...daytime=from sun, night time=as ground cools off.

  7. It's summer.  Gets pretty hot in New Orleans.  It won't seem so hot six months from now; just stick around.

  8. because the o zone layer were u r is disapearing becuse of pollution. <3

  9. its b/c the ozone is getting destroyed

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