
Why does the the rain in spain fall mainly on the plain?

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Why does the the rain in spain fall mainly on the plain?




  1. We are up in the hills and it is throwing down with rain at present

    Can't help with the plain bit but I think that it is an "old wives tale"

  2. The rain in spain stays mainly in the plains. Speaking out the sentence aloud would help you practise the  recurring vowel sound.You should read G B Shaw's Pygmalion , or better see the movie My Fair Lady.

  3. Because it rhymes in English; in Spanish we say "La lluvia en Sevilla es una pura maravilla"... and it rhymes in Spanish. That´s all.

  4. Right now I am in Spain and it is raining! The rain falls mainly on the plain because Castille, the central part is almost flat. The fact that it hardly rains in the mountain areas is true, the rain MAINLY sticks to flat areas. Yes, it is a rhyme from My Fair Lady but it also a fact that it MAINLY falls on the plains of Castille.

    Polly gets ten points?

  5. Because it ryhmes

  6. Because there are mainly plains in Spain.

  7. It doesnt, it falls everywhere and is very often dirty rain as well, it falls on my car, my caravan and my terrace, everywhere!

  8. May be the rhymes.

  9. because the sun, is fun in an African bun!

  10. why does the rain always fall on me maybe its because i watch to much TV, see it always rains on me and not the plain because its not watching TV....

  11. because there is no where else for it to fall

  12. Its only a twistongue for Liza in My fair lady.

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