
Why does the tile feel colder than the rug if they're the same temp?

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Even though the rug and the tile are the same temperature, why does the tile feel colder?




  1. It has to do with the specific heat of the two objects.  The specific heat is the amount of heat it takes to heat an object by 1deg Celcius.  The tile probably has a higher specific heat than the rug, which means it takes longer for the object to heat up even if the same amount of heat is being applied.

  2. most likely because of there feel on the human skin a run is nice aand soft and comfors us and the thile is hard and doesnt mould to our shape

    hope that helps

  3. the tile is made ofatype of glass thats why they are colder

  4. Matt almost got it right.  It's not the heat capacity that is the key, it is the heat conductivity.  The conductivity of the tile is greater, so  heat is transferred away from your feet faster than when they're on the rug.  The material with the highest heat conductivity is diamond, which is why they are sometimes called "ice."

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