
Why does the top of my hand hurt when I use my computer's mouse?

by  |  earlier

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It's only the top of my hand. If I'm on the computer for a long time the top of my forearm will also hurt. It usually stops when I leave the computer and stop using the mouse. I try to not keep my hand on the mouse when I'm not clicking. What do need to change?




  1. get a bigger mouse, and somthing that you can rest your hand down upon. also get one of those gel pads, or put a book down to keep your forarm level with the top of your hand. otherwise, thats about it.

  2. my friend tony had the same thing.. he believed that it was the electricity that was doing it..

    im not sure exactly what he said but try giving the comp and the mouse a break for a while that might be the case..

    arthritis?  that could also be something you could look into.. have you gone someplace to get it checked? if it gets worse, i suggest seeing a doctor or something

    good luck :D  

  3. it could be that you might have a type of arthrytis( sorry if i spelled it wrong) ttry getting a different type or shape of mouse.

  4. Are you using a wrist support in front of your mouse? If not, try a gel wrist support. You can get them at an office supply store or dept. store. Or try a different mouse. You might have to take more breaks from the computer too. Best of luck.  

  5. yeah that happens to me too, try a mouse that is not tilted upward, more flat.

  6. It's called carpel tunnel syndrome. The only way to avoid it is to not use the mouse for very long.

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