
Why does the uk allow anybody into this country when Australia and the USA require you

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to fill in an online visa application prior to travelling to their countries , to see if you our on a terriost watch list etc (USA starts in jan 2009).

Should we in the Uk not follow their lead since Labour are all ways going on about the terriost threats to the UK and thats why they pushed for 42 day with out detention,yet it seems we allow everyone and thier dogs into this country without checking them out before they get here.




  1. It's called "working towards a multicultural society" by the muppets or "open door immigration" by those with more than a single brain cell.

  2. well in a nutshell, its because we have a******s in charge.

  3. Because our leadership is only concerned with their own image!

  4. A few years ago the UK was experiencing a falling birth rate.  The economy was expanding, jobs were there but there was no one to fill them, you couldn't get a plumber for love nor money, they were all busy and cost a fortune.

    So we started to allow lots of immigrants into the country to take up jobs that the locals felt were beneath them, and Eastern European plumbers flooded in and undercut the natives.  The Government knew, you see, that you can't have a growing economy without a growing population.  Every year, if there were no immigrants working here, the Government would have a £6 billion hole in the Budget.  All the time you have an economic model of constant growth you need more people to manufacture things and more people to use goods and services to keep that economy growing, and paying taxes.

    Now, one side effect of all these unskilled immigrants was that native people found it more difficult to get a job.  This created a lot of resentment as some natives felt 'their' jobs were being taken from them (although they probably wouldn't have applied for them anyway), and although they were very vociferous about dark skinned peoples and the Polish, they said almost nothing about the huge number of white South Africans that poured into the country, but then there weren't stories in the Daily Hate, I mean Daily Mail or Daily Express  about the 'unacceptable levels' of these immigrants.  

    It is mind blowing how irresponsible news media like the Daily Mail et al. are in their reporting.  Their negative publicity surrounding immigration is overblown and extremely harmful.  It has made hardworking Polish people feel unappreciated and has even led to Polish people being attacked and even killed.  They did the same thing to the Jews in 1936, constantly reporting that the Jews who sought asylum here should be sent back, and thousands were, to be handed over to the n***s and the gas chambers.  Many others were beaten and killed here by British people (Mosely's Brownshirts) stirred to action by the inflamatory news reports, and the sceptical tone of editors that didn't think they were in any danger if they just went back to Europe.  

    We don't want to emulate the USA, which is fast becoming a Fascist State.  Their Government there is insisting that people give up their Constitutional rights in the name of 'protection' from a 'terrorist threat'.  Rubbish.  They are softening up their people to accept ID Cards, (and don't think we won't get them, Thales has already won the contract to supply the UK Government with ID Card technology), and has built detention camps all over the country, without any indication as to why.  

    The situation now is that you must have a skill before the UK will allow you to work here, and so the fruit pickers that used to come here to pick the thousands of pounds worth of fruit every year are being blocked.  This means that natives on minimum wages must do it instead, and that means higher prices for fruit and veg.  Native workers also insist on better accomodation than a sack on the warehouse floor, so farmers are complaining of the extra costs in having to employ natives.  Shame, eh?  

    There is no need for us to give up our liberties for us to be safe.  There is no need for 42 days in detention.  We do not imprison people without trial and we do not torture them like the Americans do. (Yes they do, what else do you think is going on at Guantanimo Bay?  Why didn't they treat that young Canadian boy for his gaping wounds that they had earlier inflicted on him?  Why did they insist on carrying on with the interrigation while he sat there in pain, bleeding and crying for help?)   God bless Great Britain.  At least we do try to offer asylum to people facing death and torture in their own countries.  

    Ask yourself, if you knew what a 1936 Jew was facing in Germany, would you have sent them back?

    Immigration, legal or otherwise, will always be encouraged by Governments who see the immigrants as a cheap source of labour.  

  5. That's one of the 'benefits' of being part of the EU and associated community - practically open borders.

  6. The USA is a target, and must be as safe as possible.  I feel much safer knowing there are regulations, so no one can just waltz their way in.

  7. The United Kingdom's problem stems from it's noble and generous program for granting political asylum.

    A lot of Islamic extremist types got into Britain that way. They had advocated overthrowing their homeland's governments to establish Islamic theocracies. Middle Eastern Despots didn't take kindly of that, and marked them for death.

    Being the target of a political death squad (even if it's not a bad idea) automatically gets you asylum.  

  8. How did you think the USA populate their country? By letting almost everyone in. Without immigrants, it would still be a developing country with some hick billies in the Appalachians and some Amish communities using horse-drawn ploughs.

    Australia is not a colonial power like we were so they did not give British passports to half the people of India and Africa. Most of the people who emigrated here are British passport holders anyway. Recently, there are more EU immigrants, but they still are out-numbered by our Commonwealth citizens. As they say, you ruled them, you take them.

  9. Because we English are lazy, fat, over eat and good at nothing in sports so we need foreigners to represent us.  For example, our Cricket captain is South African, our England football team's manager is Italian; we last won anything major was in 1966 and that also was because of a corrupt linesman from Russia.  Incidentally, we still think we are the best on this planet.

    In olympics Nicole Cooke won the gold medal and we will talk about it forever as if nothing else is going on.

    I think we should allow everybody to come here and lazy pigs from England should be deported to Zimbabwe where Mugabe knows how to deal with them.

  10. I'm glad you noticed - this has been going on for years and if you remember when the British ambassador in somewhere like Romania complained and went public that literally anyone was being let in with no checks, he was told to keep his mouth shut - and then fired.

    That is a pretty clear indication of the health of the UK political system - there are real problems with British democracy... because we've been lazy in only voting for 2 main parties.  We get constantly lied to about referendums for Europe etc and what happens... ?

    Do we every punish the politicians for it?  


    It needs to change... !!

  11. Please the USA lets everyone in.  

  12. Because we don't have a say on how our country is run the government are just interested in lining there pockets with our money if i were Mp no bugger would get in here.

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