
Why does the uk have such a strong alliance with the usa?

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also what countries would have to 'team up' to beat america and uk combined?




  1. why does the uk have such a strong alliance with the usa?

    A.  After we've worked together to save the world in WW1 and WW2, you might say the the UK and USA have a vested interest in having a STRONG alliance.

    what countries would have to 'team up' to beat america and uk combined?

    A. They call it the UN, we (Allied Powers after WW2 and former members of the powerless League of Nations) put it together and it has been a pain in the buttocks of these United States ever since then.

  2. The tight diplomatic, political and military relationship between the US and the UK developed in the period leading up to the US involvement in the First World War.  In some sense, it was inevitable, as we share a language (or speak a very similar language, at least).  In the period leading up to US involvement in WWII, that bond was strengthened considerably, and the shared battle experiences of the war helped deepen it, as well.  Britain was also a major contributer to the research which led to the creating of the atomic bombs.  Coming out of the war years, Britain was the best ally of the US (consider that the other allies were France, the Soviets, and China).  The close linguistic and cultural links, the similar military policy and similar political systems and the very similar economic systems led to a very similar and linked strategic view of the world and the threats involved.  

    As both the US and the UK maintain significant globally-deliverable nuclear arsenals, I xsincerely doubt anyone could beat the pair (after all, there are no victors in global nuclear exchange, only losers).  In terms of converntional forces, Russia might be able to defeat the pair (I doubt it deeply), and China probably could, but the US and UK are part of NATO, as well, which means that in the event of an attack on, say Poland, it would be Western Europe (which has three or four of the most advanced industrial economies on the planet and the military to go with them) and the US vs. Russia and whatever cast-off countries wanted to throw their lot in with Putin.  No contest.  NATO in round three.  

  3. Well after the US saved the UK twice in wars they should not have gotten involved in (the UK that is) I can see why the two have become busom buddies. And of course a shared language helps.

  4. Same language.  Same ideals.  Shared history.  Very similar culture.

    And there is no combination of countries that could combine to beat the US/UK.  Both are nuclear powers, the best anybody could hope for is such a fight is that both sides lose equally bad.

  5. cause we founded them.

    they owe us.

    a few suggestions of other possible countries (excluding USA and UK (obviously) from the list) :








    christmas island




    former yugosalavian republic of masadonia


    new zeeland

    the congo



    ETC ETC.

  6. We share common values, developed over centuries. Politically, we have similar aims. A concerted effort from Russia, China, and select nations in the middle east would cause significant problems for the US and UK.

  7. The reasons for  having a strong alliance have been stated, as for what countries could beat it... the guy above me is enormously underestimating the US military. Russia nor China would be able to use the skies or the air. China only has bodies, and they can't move them outside their country. Russia has for the most part outdated, badly maintained equipment (as shown from the mass number of tank breakdowns in Georgia). Their population is decreasing as well, so the only thing going for them at this point is nukes. China wouldn't even be able to get close to the US or UK, Russia would not be able to keep it up. The US is recognized as an impossible nation to conquer by force, along with Russia, China, and Canada (due to size). The UK is near impossible due to its location and allies (if it was bigger it could be classified as impossible =(). Thus you couldn't "beat" US/UK militarily, but you could wage a war on the media front and make their populace tired of it, forcing them to withdraw.

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