
Why does the uk pay more tax than the rest of Europe

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Why is the uk so expensive all it is is tax tax tax there is nothing in the uk any more and i dont give a **** what any one says




  1. Because our government are dicks. FFS look at petrol here, it is alot of shite when you look at what percentage of the petrol price is tax...

  2. Greedy government... their pockets are getting bigger so they need more cash to line them with.

    Most services in the UK are underfunded, Emergency services and armed forces are underfunded and most other vital services are underfunded.

    The government need to get a grip.

  3. Well, frankly it's all to make your life a little easier.

    Seriously ill? Fine, no problem, you're covered by a national health system that despite it's flaws is quite well revered around the world.

    Lost your job? Again, it's not all bad, what you paid in taxes will help make sure you and your family don't go homeless and starve.

    I could go on, policing, street lighting etc... i'm sure they could shave a little bit off, but it's not worth having a fit about quite yet ;)

  4. We get free dental care, health care,housing money and money to live off for bills and food. oh free eye care.

  5. NHS

  6. yes there is way too much tax. But its good cos we get something in return like free NHS, free schools, good roads, etc etc

  7. yup its going way to high im leaving this world  

  8. Because the Government has such a cavalier attitude with our money.

    Pay themselves, fund second homes (pocket cash from these when homes sold), set up useless committees at great cost, fund projects that fail, give our money away to all and sundry, let people into the UK regardless of whether they can work or not, fail to deport foreign nationals who plot against us and support their families to stay here too.

    We are expected to shut up and pay up.

  9. We pay to support the ludicrous number of immigrants and lazy dole ites who think the welfare state is an option to working. If you're young get out whilst you still can.

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