
Why does the underside of my b***s hurt?

by Guest60151  |  earlier

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It's one week before my period should begin, but the underside of my b***s has been hurting for about 4-5 days now. Not the nipple, not the top, just the underside. I should mention my b***s normally swell during this time, but never are uncomfortable. Thanks.




  1. try not to wear bra until tou feel better

  2. They are either growing, or just the tissue is hurting because they are sensative.

  3. That happend to me too before I got my period and while I had it.

    It is either something that is just happening before you have youre period. OR it could just be that your b***s are growing!

    Hope this helped and feel better!:P


  4. Is it the breastbone? Do you wear underwires? Could be too tight?

  5. If your b*****s swell during your period, they get bigger, an dif they get bigger, they no longer fit your bra, and since you have a wire, it can be uncomfortabel if it rubs all day and can be mstaken for a rash!

    so dont worry unless it continues to after they stop swelling

    *try getting a *period* bra!*


  6. sounds like u r experiencing one of the many pms symptoms...if they still hurt 1 week after ur period starts, try seeing an acupuncturist...the acupuncturist will get rid of it in no time through herbal needles! me, it really works...everything should be perfectly fine...good luck and i hope u feel better soon!  

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