
Why does the volume on my new pvr keep cutting out?

by  |  earlier

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we got the new bel pvr installed on our tv yesterday and it worked fine all day, but now the volume works for a couple of seconds, then cuts out for a couple of seconds, and so on? What do you think the problem is? Thank You!




  1. By pvr do you mean Personal Video Recorder? If so, the sound cutting out could be due to a fault in the PVR, but could also be a problem with the audio cable (try another cable of the same type, or if that doesn't help try an alternate type -- e.g. stereo RCA or HDMI or optical (if it fixes the problem it suggest a problem with PVR output jack), with the receiver you have it plugged into (but then other things should be intermittent too (unless it's that specific input!).  It's also possible the specific channel is dropped out ... check to be sure other stations aren't working either.

    As you can see there are a number of possibilities and you will have to try to isolate the source of the problem then follow up as appropriate (e.g. repairs to AV Receiver, replacement of cable, warranty repair to PVR).

    Hope that helps.

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