
Why does the white man consider himself superior to other races?

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Why does the white man consider himself superior to other races?




  1. Beats the heck out of me.

    With examples like George W, you'd think we'd be spending most of our time apologizing.

  2. Why assume everyone's the same, Im black and dating a white guy he doesnt act like hes superior to me vice versa...SO stop assuming...

    Assume = making  an *** of you and me.

    Remember that everyone is diffrent and influenced by diffrent thingz.

  3. Why do you feel it is necessary to assume all white men consider themselves superior? I personally consider that a racist comment on your part. But maybe I'm just a crazy white man...I'll go ask my half Indonesian half african american girlfriend if I am

  4. it goes both ways

    by the way Kelvin

    who screwed them first, shall we remind the rest again who where those who would kidnap them and shove them in to those slavery ships and bring them to Europe and America in order to sell them.

    lets not forget our history


    of course but then when most claim that we are better than the rest why would they buy them, so call "Christians"

    i believe some where in Bible says buying and selling humans is sin.

  5. Seriously what the h**l? How can you make a statement like that? One white man may think he is superior to other races and another may not. That goes for all races. You cannot assume that everyone from the a certain race has the same opinions because fact is, they don't.

  6. what the h**l some of my friends are black.i dont consider my self superior to them

  7. You dummy.  Not all white men are the same - it seems that you're racist

  8. f--k you, Im white and Ive never once thought that.

    Remind me exactly WHO is giving most aid to africa? Oh thats right, the west, mostly white people.

    By the way "not fair" - " shall we remind the rest again who where those who would kidnap them and shove them in to those slavery ships and bring them to Europe and America in order to sell them??"

    Can I remind you of the little FACT that the black man sold his fellow people to the americans??

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