
Why does the working class have to suffer so much just so the rich can get richer and the poor get poor?!?

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work any job i can get and i have detailed background in hardware sales and electrical systems but can't find a decent paying i work any job i can get just to pay my bills and i am falling farther and farther behind....




  1. simple so you cant rise and b a threat to what they already established!

  2. can you afford a multi-room place to live, multi-meals, TV, entertainment etc.  Bet you can. Then you are better off then you would have been 2 or 3 decades ago. Quit comparing yourself to the rich, compare yourself to someone similar from the past.

  3. welcome to Republican life.......

    it is sad when most places can't pay over $9/ hour, yet gas is $4/gallon and milk is almost $4/ gallon.  I see people I work with struggle trying to decide whether to pay rent (or house payment), utilities, or food for their kids.  It's a d**n shame that it's come to this.  I don't even think if we do get a Democrat in office that they'll be able to fix this, at least not in the first term.  

    and that whole "go to college" thing?  sorry to tell people, that isn't a guarantee, either.  Both my brothers went to school, one graduated as an accountant and the other with a psyche/criminal justice double major, and their both unemployed.  The psyche major ended up joining the military, and the other is thinkin about it.... makes you wonder if there's a conspiracy.... can we (the Government) make it so bad that we get people to enlist in the military, so we can keep our troop level up?  I don't know, but it seems eerily close to that.

  4. I know. I'm a social worker. Everyone wants the benefits but no one wants to pay the workers what they are worth. (and no one wants to pay taxes yet everyone wants healthcare, heating assistance and such) I am teetering on the brink of applying for the same federal and state assistance as those I work with.

    I can't even afford to be eligible for a loan to buy a car let alone a home.

  5. Welcome to the real world.  The average person has a nice house worth a few bucks, then wham, housing bubble.  Still have high taxes and insurance, and the house isn't worth what you owe on it.  Same thing with the autos these days too.  Just try to trade that SUV or truck in.  They just keep putting the squeeze on the little guy.  Don't even bring up health costs.

  6. Fairness ends on the playground.  The rich get rich because they take substantial risks with their assets.  The working class have to fight to stay even.  The last eight years of the Bush Administration, however, have substantially harmed ordinary people.  Policies in place have taken wealth from ordinary people and transferred it to the rich.  This is a governmental action not a function of capitalism, rather it is anti-competitive forces let loose inside the government.  It is going to get worse.  The ordinary person hasn't yet experienced the damage this President has done.  We will probably lose a decade of wealth from this President's actions.  It isn't going to get better soon.

  7. You know, where is Robin Hood when you need him?

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