
Why does the world change at such a slow rate?

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Someone could be isolated from the world for an entire year, and barely anything would change.




  1. It changes at a fairly fast rate..... Look at medical advances and technology..... Just because it's not always right in your face obvious does not mean it isn't there.  

  2. ...indifference in Personalities denotes progression of CHANGE...

  3. Because of government intervention.

  4. because mankind is basically lazy.  And for them to actually stop their whining and having their handouts, they would have to get up out of the mud and dirt and demand changes maybe even find a solution that would actually yield results.  The masses just want to FOLLOW and so they do, and those that have the gumption to take the bull by the horn will do so, with tactics and measures that have been proved by history to allow them to become the king of the hill, and controller of the masses in their little part of the world.  

    Sad but true....

  5. Obviously we need to increase the speed of light.

  6. The microcosm from which you view the world may not change much in a year, but you body is changing, your mind, whether you are consciously aware of it, or not, is changing like a dust storm. Zillions of lives have come and gone in that time and your life seems the same even though it is not.

    You are probably awaiting your arrival at some significant event that you consider desirable.

  7. it is changing too fast, compare to the past times though.

    Imagine the world in the late 80s, the world that most of us without knowing of cell-phones and internet

  8. The basis of the world remains more-or-less the same because there are limited numbers of ways in which to do things. Physics as it affects us remains much the same, humans are much the same physically and we have worked out a basic structure for life.

    Every change is small and slow to be adopted. The fastest changes now are technology.

  9. ARE YOU LIVEING UNDER A ROCK?, the world is changeing way to fast! we all have to run to keep up, .

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