
Why does the world refuse to believe modern humans originated in Africa?

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With numerous research and study findings, from scientist the world over . And unearthing the oldest known human remains, plus with DNA tracing all proving the theories, why isn't this fact acknowledge around the globe?




  1. .Scientist in the field mostly do and the rest will catch up.

  2. Stupidity? Ignorance?

    Lack of access to libraries and proscience media?

    Lack of education?

    Various education systems NOT making basic logic and reasoning skills  a compulsory high school subject?

  3. How can you speak for the world,it's true the oldest DNA can be traced back to Africa and it's true that it can support a theory for evolution.What it has not done is fill in the missing link,leaving it open to speculation.Some religions do not accept evolution so I think it is wrong to try and enforce an opinion on the no matter how strong the evidence is.

  4. A couple reasons, one being the egocentrism of some European caucasians.  As I've been taught in some anthro classes a lot of European scientists did not want to admit that Africans were the oldest population because they wanted to keep believing that they were the oldest and most advanced.

    However, the main reason is that there is a relatively small number of remains used as evidence for this theory.  A lot of people argue that to make such a statement completely disregards the possibility that there may be other, older hominid remains that simply haven't been discovered yet that may change this theory.

  5. Its proven but people just won't believe it because of cultural things. In Japan they belive they were the first humans on earth. To them saying they were from africa would be an insult because that would mean they arn't pure.

  6. I believe it.

  7. Because DeNial ain't just a river in Africa...HeHe

  8. I would say that most people do acknowledge that as fact, but the those who don't say, "Oldest remains doesn't mean origins."  Of course, they are completely wrong.  Following the paths of our ancestors migration, you can clearly see the pattern.  Some of the more recent remains are mainly found in South America, which was the last continent to be inhabited by humans, while the remains in the Middle East show that it was a main migratory center.  But lastly, the killer evidence for the theory is that all of our closest genetic relatives are in Africa; chimpanzees and gorillas.  Africa is obviously where the split between hominids and other primates occurred.  Around the time of the first humans, the Sahara Desert and surrounding areas was all one immense grassland.  The early humans began to come apart as more of a hunting primate rather than the gathering one we had previously been.  The ability to stand up allowed our ancestors to see over the tops of the tall grasses, surveying for prey or possible dangers.  Our brains originally developed as vocal communication centers, so we could verbally communicate with other hunters more effectively.  Hunting by animals that had evolved as herbivores, thus having no natural weapons, led to the use of tools.  Us having finer hair resulted from our growing ability to make clothing.  Without the need for  extra hair, it only caused more problems than it helped because it provided a somewhere for parasites to live.  All of our differences between us and other primates can be explained through our cultivation by the heart of Africa.  

    In answer to your question, the only reason people do not believe that humans originated in Africa is that they do not understand basic paleoanthropology.

  9. Because its complete speculation.

    "Oldest known remains" does not mean means oldest known.

  10. First, because it is no good to believe: what counts is only to know. Second, no theory should be believed as long as it is but theory. Third, this one has been changed so often that it simply cannot be taken seriously any longer, and its makers are to be taken for ignorants only working for money made out of favouring the politically correct.

  11. Have you any idea how many careers of men, alive or dead would suffer, from Darwin onwards, would go down the drain. All the evidence to the contrary that's been swept under the carpet would have to be resurrected and all the books on the subject would have to be rewritten. I've said it before and I say it again there is no evidence for the Out of Africa theory.

  12. I know.. sad stuff....

    many experts argue that natural selection/evolution etc occurred (i.e. is a fact)....

    however people do the same with other hot topics...

    the leading scientists of the world state global warming is a 'fact' and not a theory... however their are still losers out their who disagree with it (and it's funny.. they never seem to have a Phd in some science.. however they still see themselves as village experts)...

  13. I don't refuse but don't know for sure that modern humans originated in Africa because I simply don't know about this. I don't have time to do a research report on this because I'm busy slaving away and studying politics.

    I speculate that people give opinions about this because they're ignorant like me. If they do know some of the data you presented, then they choose not to believe some data. There is usually no direct cause or answer to most things, and people are racially prejudice and perhaps racist, so you have this factor too.

  14. Well this theory has many supporters. Not all people get to believe the same thing. Just like many people have different religions. Just like people support different government officials

  15. Because people would rather worry about what Brittany Spears is up to than our evolutionary legacy...sad.

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