
Why does this adoption game make me feel so sick to my stomach? how low can our world go?

by  |  earlier

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"For many, including myself, it's a positive experience"

What did you do adopt the baby or get paid for throwing yours away?




  1. There are many ethical issues to consider within adoption, and those that take the low road, but I don't think it's all doom and gloom.

    Many are working on adoption reform, perhaps you can contribute and try to make a difference. That might make you feel better about the world.

  2. First of all why does it make you sick and why would the world need to go lower? Adoption isnt bad. Maybe  you need to look into it more. Yes the cost is out of this world and one day that will all change but for some people that is the only way to go.

  3. What is your problem with adoption??  Give it a rest.  For many, including myself, it's a positive experience.  It's not always a game, and it's not always for profit.  Get some help~

  4. I don't understand why you think adoption is a low point?  

    What about the children who are, right this second, sitting in orphanages around the world?  They don't deserve families?

  5. What is it about the adoption "game" that has you ill?  There are some difficult bumps in the journey, but the miracle of looking at your child is worth every bump you go through.

  6. This question coming from someone who asked previously:

    "Should you believe just because someone tells you it is so that the car can't kill you if it runs you over?"

    You know nothing about what adoption is, or isn't.  Go back to your own forum, and don't forget to take your Wellbutrin.

  7. Obviously you know nothing about foster care or child abuse.  Adoption can save the lives of children who would otherwise be left with horrible abusive parents or bounced around from foster home to foster home, possibly while being abused by other kids.  Your question is so ridiculous, I don't know why I'm even responding to it. Being "against adoption" isn't even a logical viewpoint.  Maybe you're bitter because you're trying to adopt and can't--perhaps you're a L*****n given your avatar, and if that is the case I am very sorry that some states won't allow you to adopt, I think that is absolutely ridiculous.

  8. I feel like I'm playing "adoption bingo" sometimes. There are tons of kids listed on the sites, and if I had like $5 for every worker who responded to my inquiries that "the kids are settled into their foster homes and we don't know if it's in their best interest to move at this time," I probably wouldn't be hesitant to inquire more on international adoptions.

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