
Why does this always f***ing happen to me? Why is it always me? Do you guys ever have this experience?

by  |  earlier

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Everytime I work so hard for something.. guess what? I always fail on it.


-One time, I was addicted to this game, and then I play it so much, I got real high level, but then that time there was too many hackers, so they have to delete every single account.

-Recently, I just tried to apply for this special program, in school, and then I worked very hard for it, with all of my ability. And guess what? Again.. I worked so hard and I didn't get in. Well, then this other girl she didn't have one of the requirement and they let her in, but they don't let me... Why?

-I worked so hard trying to get a higher average, but guess what? I got lowered.. I had a 96 and it fell down.. I don't even want to talk about it..




  1. cuz life is tough and you gotta deal with it your own way.

  2. Because life is unfair.  Period.

  3. I WISH I had a 96 average when I was in school.  And I studied a LOT!

    What are you crying about?  You need a dose of reality!

  4. Well normally I say try as hard as you can, but in this case...still TRY hard but not SO HARD!!! I f not email me I'll give you more suggestions.

  5. Life sucks.

  6. Life sucks... big time. I guess you'll just have to get used to it like the rest of us! But seriously. Life's unfair. We gotta get used to it.

  7. Because life's a b**ch and then you die.

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