
Why does this babysitter i met seem to be more interested in making $ than caring for my child?

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so a friendly babysitter woudl ask questions like: how old is your child? what's his name? and try to hear you out on your situation..or atleast try to somehow bond with u as a friend.. and so and so..and try to learn more about the child..


this babysitter i met only asks me: "are you still interested in me babysitting?" and she leaves it at that. no nothing..

how do i know if a babysitter actually wants to CARE for my kid..and is not just in it for the $?




  1. she is in need of $

  2. dont let her care for you child if you got bad vibes from her...dont let her what so ever. you never know if they will watch them or care for them properly. in my eyes a babysitter who wants to know nothing CANT care for your children because she doesnt know nothing and if you tell her she probably wont be listening. she als seems to have a bad attitude and you dont want that kind of behavior around your kids.  always go with you gut man.

  3. If you don't feel right about this babysitter watching your child don't let them. It would be normal to ask about the kids, but maybe there shy or maybe, there is something going on at home they need money for and they are forgetting about everything else. If I where you I would try to make a conversation with them, or invite them over to meet your child to see how they act around the child. And how the child likes them

  4. there is a new site called and you can see a babysitters profile and then you can match yourself and your child up with a sitter who actually cares...believe me there are many people who love kids on this site.

  5. How old is the babysitter?  Most teens ARE in it for the money.

  6. You should ask if they've ever taken care of children before and if they ever have any problems. If they have some references that would be good to because you'd know if they had gotten along with people previously. And if they have babysitting training like knowing CPR.

    You could probably try hiring the babysitter and having them stay for a day babysitting with you still in the house.

  7. she probably is in it more or less for the money...for many it is more or less a job...but some are far more child loving and acctually do enjoy baby sitting, i suggest you have her just play with your kid for a bit, see how she seems with the child, and if she doesnt seem right, look for someone else.

  8. If by babysitter you mean a teen looking after your child when you go out at night, as opposed to someone doing it as a career, then 99% of the time it is purely for money, not for what they'll get out of it. When I was younger and I used to babysit, although I've always liked kids, it was only because I needed the money. This doesn't mean she won't do a good job, but if you are even in the slightest bit concerned then don't question it, find someone else right away, your childrens wellbeing isn't something that should be compromised :-)

  9. When you meet the right sitter you will know. Your mother's insticts will kick in. You would be able to tell right off where their interests are. You really just answered your own question by knowing what they should be asking you about the children and looking to bond with the family. However, money IS important to a sitter and should not be left out of the conversation. Im not saying that you are leaving it out, but being a nanny, a lot of families will get you for all of your hours and pay you as little as possible, regardless of your experience and effort. So they may ask and should ask to make sure that they are secure in their position as your sitter.

  10. I don't know many people who babysat out of the sheer joy of being around children: everyone I know who babysat did it for the money. I'm sure you'll find someone who has a higher interest than the person you're talking about though. Ask around to friends with kids and see who they recommend to babysit. Word of mouth is usually the best and safest way to find a good, reliable babysitter.

  11. I have not come across any baby sitter whose primary motivation to baby sit is not to earn the money.

    Put yourself in the baby-sitter's shoes and you would understand what motivates the baby-sitter.

    Accept that they are there for the money and move past that emotional point. Moving past that emotional point, allows you to judge the suitability of a baby-sitter. You should spend your mental energy on the more essential questions: Will she bring boyfriends in? Will she dip into the swimming pool? Will there be traces of pot or vodka?

    May be, offer to let her swim in the pool this Saturday afternoon if she does a good job. Perhaps, you are a magazine editor - offer her a chance to model for your magazine or write an article.if she does a good job.

    Put yourself in her shoes. Sorry to say - frequently we feel someone is not adequate for the job because we have successfully put ourselves in that person's shoes by transfering our own inadequacies to that person's perceived ability to do the job.

    Give her some non-monetary incentives. May be she just needs a ride to NYC next month. It could be as simple as - she wants to spend this Thanksgiving evening away from her family, or she would be so happy if someone would invite her to a Chanukah latke party. Or she may just need someone to talk to.

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