
Why does this boy think that it's okay to sit right next to me and follow me around? Girls and boys plz!?

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Okay, so this guy really likes me and thinks that i'm his friend, and so he follows me and my friends around. (He also smells REALLY bad and is kinda over weight- I just care that he smells and gets too close to me) I have 2 guy friends that i'm really close to and i can sit next to them and hug them and stuff. Do you think that since this boy likes me and thinks he's my friend, he thinks that he can get closer to me also??? I REALLY NEED HELP! BOYS PLEASE ANSWER THIS ONE! (girls can give advice too) I just want this boy to leave me alone and quit getting so close!




  1. talk to him.

  2. I say take him to a place where no one else is and tell him that he is a really nice guy but u dont have those feelings for him and u dont want him following u around. Even if he isnt nice and despite his stink!

  3. You need to tell him because then he will be happier in the long term knowing the truth and you will be happy because you wont have him around you. Be honest with him its the best way.

  4. You apparently need to talk to him about personal space and hygiene. Tell him he is getting to close.

  5. Hmmm... I know what you are going through. I know this is hard, but you are going to have to tell him, in a calm manner, to go away and not to follow you around. Just make sure you aren't being too rude, because hurting his feelings would make you feel terrible.

    So, the next time he gets close to you, just ask him, "I don't mean to be rude, but could you please take a couple of steps back?"

  6. THANK YOU for answering my question :}

    and i think you should just walk straight up to him and tell him that your not interested...but in a nice way, so you don't hurt his feelings..don't nessasarily tell him you don't like him, just say that you need your space and he's not your type.


  7. makeout with a guy to make him go away

  8. i understand that this isnt hannah montana and you cant tell him and everything is better, you should try to get a boyfriend or get one of your guy friends to tell him to back off or something

    good luck

  9. Okay, what I would probably do in this situation is slam him and then regret it later on, so don't do that. What you SHOULD do is let him down gently and tell him to leave you alone. If you want to make him feel awkward, say, "Why do you follow me around everywhere?" But I wouldn't reccomend doing that, because it isn't nice (even though it's probably what I would do)... so.... Say something along the lines of, "Please leave me alone." And cross your fingers that he'll go away. If he doesn't, then feel free to slam him, if you don't mind creating a mean girl reputation for yourself.

    Wait, no, do the why are you following me everywhere one, because if he thinks you're mean, then he'll stop liking you. Just don't do it in front of other people or else they'll think you're mean too. Say something like, "Dude, why do you follow me everywhere? It's creepy and you smell really really bad."

  10. Well it is obvious he has a crush on you.  You seem to display affection very openly so he probably thinks you would be like that with him also.  I suggest you be kind and explain to him you do not want him following you around and that you are not interested in him but somebody out there more suitable for him will.  About the odour, if you know any of his buddies, suggest one of them privately tells him in a nice way of his offensive odour and advise him to shower regularly and use deodorant. Good luck.

  11. He likes you in a creepy stalkerish way.  I was like this a few years ago, so just tell him that you don't like him, and have no mercy on him, otherwise he'll just think "she really cares after all!!"

  12. your not gonna b abul to get rid of him without hurtin his feelings, and just ask yourself why he thinks hes your friend, and stop doin tht. be extremely disinterested and completely ignore him, like hes not there AT ALL. when he touches/gets close, cough REALLY loud. h**l get the message eventually and just go away. if it doesnt work, you might have to just tell him =\

  13. ewww.. i kinda had the same situation exept the kid didnt smell. lol.

    just tell him to leave you alone and walk away whwenevr he comes near you. ignore him. he probably thinks that he can get close to you becuz your 2 guy friends get close to you.

  14. He sounds a bit creepy to me and is probably lonely. For some reason he has latched on to you and now you have to be the strong one and say that you are flattered he wants to be with you all the time but some of your friends are getting a little concerned as you cant be with them as much as you want to.

    Its best to be straight with him and not hurt his feelings but sometimes people like this are so thick you have to just give it to them as it is.

    Try being tactful first, and then maybe get one of your guy friends to ask him not to be so friendly with "his girl". I know you wont be going out with him but it may be enough for this unwelcome guest to take the hint without hurting him too much.

    Good luck..

  15. ugh! i know! there's this kid in a bunch of my classes that likes me and he follows me to my locker  and puts his arm around me (ew) and  sayss hi to me like every single passing period. and in french he sits on the other side of the  room and on friday  he scooted  his chair right next to mine. arg! i cant get rid of him, i mean its also kind of flattering too but i  mostly find it ehnoyying! i would just let it be thats what im doing! but i gotta stop that arm around me thing! he'll eventually move on!

  16. tell him the truth and say you smell bad and if you like me just say so. be honest but gently otherwise he will get hurt.

  17. dont be to mean about it, i understand that you dont like him like that but,  but just be nice about it. he's probably just trying to fit in and maybe he feels welcome around you and your crew. just think if you do it the wrong way it may cause some problems for you in the long run !!!

  18. have you tried just telling him?

  19. when he get close to you just tell him that you are not his friend and tell him to take a shower in the morning and use some deodorant do say that in a mean way tell him that in a nice way  

  20. thrust me he likes u or hes being annoying. do something wierd.

  21. Tell him to go away and then start addressing him as fattycakes.

  22. Ok, 1st of all, don't be so cruel, it doesn't matter that he's a bit over weight! He obviously doesn't have a lot of friends and needs a few people to hang around with. It's a bit of a hard situation but if you can talk to him alone and very gently tell him that there's a little bit of a smell he may clean up a bit. I can see the only reason you don't want to hang around with him is because he smells and is a bit overweight, which is extreamly shallow.

    And i've never heard so much bullsh*t answers in all my life! You're all totaly horrible and have no feelings.

  23. maybe just try being honest with him i mean you dont have to be like eww gross you smell go away but maybe tell him that when he gets so close to you it makes you feel uncomfortable and if he asks why you let the other guys well just tell him youre  closer to them and have known them longer. good luck though.

  24. Tell him to back off and that he's gross.

  25. It depends how mean you want to be. If you don't mind being rude then just tell him to leave you and your friends alone and that you don't like him. If you want to be nice to him and not hurt his feelings then I don't know. How long has he been following you around? maybe if you just put up with it for awhile he will stop sooner or later.  

  26. just tell him...b/c ur gonna have to do somn eventually...

  27. Can you just tell him?

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